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St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre St Benedict's Catholic High School.

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1 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre St Benedict's Catholic High School Options Evening 30 th January 2013

2 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre WHAT IS THE ENGLISH BACCALAUREATE?  In 2010 the Department for Education introduced the English Baccalaureate as a performance measure for schools.  It is not a qualification, although the DfE is currently examining possible arrangements for issuing certificates.  It is a performance measure that recognises where pupils have secured a C grade or better across a core of academic subjects – English, mathematics, history or geography, the sciences and a language. “Headline performance measures reflect Government priorities…”

3 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre WHY WAS IT INTRODUCED?  Since 2004 the number of non-academic qualifications taken has risen from 15000 – 575000.  Decline in opportunity to study MFL, history or geography disproportionately affecting students who attend schools in disadvantaged areas.  8% of FSM, compared to 24% of non-FSM

4 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre WHY WERE THOSE PARTICULAR SUBJECTS CHOSEN?  Designed to ensure that doors are not closed off to students in terms of future progression.  Russell Group guide identifies ‘facilitating subjects’.  To respond to research that has shown the clear advantages in terms of learning skills and understanding gained from MFL, geography and history.

5 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre WHAT HAS HAPPENED? A survey by the National Centre for Social Research on behalf of the DfE (Summer 2012) found:  Large numbers of students have rapidly moved to take up the English Baccalaureate.  33% of students taking E Bacc subjects in 2011-2012  49% of students taking E Bacc subjects in 2013-2014  Over half of all secondary schools have changed their curriculum offer.  English Baccalaureate Certificates - KS4 Qualification from 2015.

6 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre WHAT NEXT?  Stay as we are and risk limiting the chances for some of our students.  Make dramatic changes and abandon principles of student choice, flexibility and personalisation.  Find a happy medium…

7 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre OUR RESPONSE  Ensuring the most able of students achieve the E Bacc.  Making MFL and history or geography compulsory for all students on the E Bacc pathway.  Arranging option choices so that students can put E Bacc subjects together and then firmly persuading students to pick them.

8 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre CURRICULUM 2013 E Bacc BLUE Pathway Core subjects Mathematics, English, Science, RE, PE, ICT French or German, History or Geography Plus one from: Art and Design, Business Studies, Catering, Product Design, Electronic Products, Engineering, French, Geography, German, Health and Social Care, History, Performing Arts, PE, Triple Science

9 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre CURRICULUM 2013 GCSE or Level 1/2 Qualification GREEN Pathway (Btec ……) Core Subjects Mathematics, English, Science, RE, PE, ICT Plus three from: Art and Design, Business Studies, Catering, Product Design, Electronic Products, Engineering, French, Geography, German, Health and Social Care, History, Performing Arts, PE, Triple Science

10 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre Options 2013 Green Pathway (GCSE/Level2) –Choose three subjects from the list –Choose the subject area you are interested in and subject teachers will ensure that you follow an appropriate course within their subject area to allow you to achieve your full potential If you wish to study the Ebacc subjects this can be done by choosing at least one of History or Geography AND at least one of French or German.

11 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre Options 2013 Blue Pathway (Ebacc) –Choose History or Geography –Choose French or German –Choose another subject (The other subject can be one of History, Geography, French or German as well as other subjects)

12 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre Options 2013 We will try to accommodate all the choices that are made. If we cannot do this we will look to use the reserve choice subjects Any problems with the choices made we will contact you

13 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre Y9 Options The future….. St Benedict’s Sixth Form Pathway 1A Levels Pathway 2A Levels and Vocational Courses Pathway 3Foundation Year – Level 2 courses

14 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre NEXT STEPS  Subject assemblies and guidance on option choices throughout the term.  Read and discuss the options booklet, issued on Monday 28 th January, with your son/daughter.  Options evening January 30 th 2013  Y9 Progress Review Evening February 27 th 2013  Option forms returned March 1 st 2013

15 St Benedict’s Catholic High School A specialist engineering college Incorporating West Cumbria Catholic Sixth Form Centre St Benedict's Catholic High School Options Evening 30 th January 2013

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