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Year 9 Progression Evening 29 th January 2013 Time to Choose Your Pathway to Success!!! Ms Haynes Vice Principal Curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 Progression Evening 29 th January 2013 Time to Choose Your Pathway to Success!!! Ms Haynes Vice Principal Curriculum."— Presentation transcript:


2 Year 9 Progression Evening 29 th January 2013 Time to Choose Your Pathway to Success!!! Ms Haynes Vice Principal Curriculum

3 Purpose of this Presentation The Future The Option Process Pathways Qualifications Choosing Options Do's and Don'ts Where to get advice Next Steps Mount Carmel College for Girls

4 2020 Mount Carmel College for Girls

5 2017 Mount Carmel College for Girls

6 2015 Mount Carmel College for Girls


8 2013 Mount Carmel College for Girls

9 Year 9 Progression Timeline PSCHE Lessons December – March Year 9 Reports Analysis – December 2012 Taster Fortnight 14 th January – 25 th January 2013 Y9 Options Assembly – 14 th January 2013 Y9 Options Evening – 29 th January 2013 Y9 Options Interviews – 28 th January-15 th February 2013 Y9 Parents Evening - 6 th March 2013 Final Option Choices Deadline - 15 th March 2013 Mount Carmel College for Girls

10 Pathways 11-14 14-16 16-19 19+ GCSE D-G GCSE A*-C A levels Vocational Level 1 Vocational Level 2 BTEC National Advanced Apprenticeship Employment Higher Education Further Education Key Stage 3 IB Foundation Learning Tier- E3/L1 Certificate Mount Carmel College for Girls

11 Core GCSEs- Compulsory English Language & Literature Mathematics Additional Science Religious Education (RE) NO EXAMINATIONS Personal Social Health & Citizenship Education (PSHCE) Physical Education (PE) Mount Carmel College for Girls

12 GCSEs Exams o A* - G o Exams o Controlled Tests o Practical Exams o Linear o SPG o No modular o Literacy o Specialist terminology o No resits o No coursework Mount Carmel College for Girls

13 GCSEs - Options Art and Design Drama French Geography Graphics History ICT Media Studies Music Product Design Sociology Spanish Textiles Triple Science Mount Carmel College for Girls

14 Vocational (BTEC or Cambridge Nationals) - Options Business Creative Media Health & Social Care ICT Sport Level 2 (A* - C) Level 1 (D – G) Pass, Merit, Distinction 80%Portfolio Practical Vocationally related Flexible assessment Mount Carmel College for Girls

15 EBACC – English Baccalaureate A measure of achievement called the ‘English Baccalaureate’. It is to be awarded to any students who achieve 5 GCSEs (A* to C) in the following subjects: 1.English 2.Maths 3.Additional Science 4.A Language (French, Spanish or GCSE Heritage Language) 5.A Humanity (History or Geography) Mount Carmel College for Girls

16 Who takes all GCSEs?  Your aim is to achieve at least 5 GCSE grades C or above (A*, A, B or C) including English and Maths.  To study A Level at 6th Form you must achieve grades Cs and above, some Bs are required for Maths, Science and Humanities A Level subjects.  You are prepared to revise and study for your exams.  You complete homework on time.  You are an independent learner.  You will prepare and complete all controlled assessments on time.  You will attend after-school clubs.  You are considering university. Mount Carmel College for Girls

17 Vocational qualifications are suitable for someone who: o Knows what area of study interests them. o Likes to learn in a more practical way. o Is good at coursework. o Is not confident in exams. o You are considering a Level 3 Vocational courses at Post 16. o You can still go to university. Mount Carmel College for Girls

18 What level should I apply for? Levels LEVEL OF STUDY Mostly Level 2a, 3C, 3B, 3A, 4C Choose Vocational (BTEC Level 1 courses) Mostly 4C, 4B, 4A, 5CChoose a mixture of GCSEs and BTEC Level 2 courses Mostly 5B, 5A, 6C, 6B, 6A, 7CChoose GCSEs Mount Carmel College for Girls

19 Subject Restrictions Triple Science – Level 6 and above Music – Play an instrument or sing, audition required Drama – Read the booklet carefully, required skills Media Studies – Level 5 and above in English Foundation learning – Level 1 Courses (teacher selection only) Mount Carmel College for Girls

20 Interviews with Ms Haynes o Discuss progress, behaviour, attendance and attitude to learning. o Decide on the best pathway. o Consider possible option choices. o Set clear targets to help you progress. o Discuss future progression and career aspirations Mount Carmel College for Girls

21 Do’s  Do speak to your parents/carer  Do speak to other students  Do ask for advice, and questions  Do make decisions based on interest, strengths and enjoyment  Do research subjects, careers  Do continue to work hard in Year 9  Do read your Pathway Booklet carefully when you receive it. Mount Carmel College for Girls

22 Don’ts o Don’t choose a subject because you like the teacher o Don’t choose a subject because your friends are o Don’t choose a subject because it sounds good o Don’t choose a subject because you think it will be easy Mount Carmel College for Girls


24 Completing the Options Form Mount Carmel College for Girls

25 Information Advice & Guidance Senior Staff Heads of Department Head of Years Form Tutor Subject Teacher Support Staff LRC Internet Mount Carmel College for Girls

26 Key Staff Senior Staff Ms Mimnagh VP KS3 Ms Haynes VP Curriculum Ms Ionta HOY 9 Ms Duffy SEN/EAL Form Tutors Ms Persaud 9AF Ms Arbuckle9EB Mr Davison 9EP Ms Jones9MA Mr Rauf 9RP Mount Carmel College for Girls

27 Useful Links DFE tionDetail/Page1/625-1 My World of Work My Choice London Mount Carmel College for Girls

28 GOOD LUCK!! THE CHOICE IS YOURS!! Mount Carmel College for Girls

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