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Welcome Year 9 Information Evening Thursday 7th February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Year 9 Information Evening Thursday 7th February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Year 9 Information Evening Thursday 7th February 2008

2 CURRICULUM 2008 – 2010 Key Stage 4 Choices

3 CORE CURRICULUM n English Language and Literature (2 GCSEs)

4 CORE CURRICULUM n English Language and Literature (2 x GCSE) Language and Literature (2 x GCSE) n Mathematics

5 CORE CURRICULUM n English Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) n Mathematics n Science (2 GCSEs)

6 CORE CURRICULUM n English Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) n Mathematics n Science (2 GCSEs) n Technology

7 CORE CURRICULUM n English Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) n Mathematics n Science (2 GCSEs) n Technology n ICT (2 or more GCSEs)

8 CORE CURRICULUM n English Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) Language and Literature (2 GCSEs) n Mathematics n Science (2 GCSEs) n Technology n ICT (2 or more GCSEs) n Physical Education (Non-Exam) n Citizenship (Non-Exam)

9 PATHWAYS n There are two complimentary Pathways through Key Stage 4, Pathway T and Pathway C n Pathway T has one extra GCSE Option and pupils are recommended to study a Modern Foreign Language. n Pathway C has one less GCSE Option and more time allocated to Technology and English.

10 OPTION CHOICE O CHOICE OF 1 SUBJECT FROM: n Geography n History n French n Music

11 OPTION CHOICE G CHOICE OF 1 SUBJECT FROM: n Geography n History n Religious Education n German n Art n Media n Drama n Performing Arts –counts as two choices n GCSE Physical Education

12 OPTION CHOICE Q CHOICE OF 1 OPTION FROM : n Geography n History n French n Art n Music n Drama n Performing Arts –counts as two choices n GCSE Physical Education

13 PATHWAY T - SUMMARY n OPTION CHOICE O- GCSE n OPTION CHOICE G - GCSE n OPTION CHOICE Q – GCSE n Plus an opportunity to study a Diploma or seek a place on our collaborative courses with our partner schools and colleges

14 EXTRA OPTION CHOICE It is possible for some pupils to do an extra Modern Foreign Language in time set aside for ICT. This is only suggested for very able linguists.

15 PATHWAY C - SUMMARY n OPTION CHOICE G- GCSE n OPTION CHOICE Q – GCSE n Plus an opportunity to study a Diploma or seek a place on our collaborative courses with our partner schools and colleges

16 COLLABORATIVE COURSES These are the possible subjects that can be studied at The Marches School and Technology College: These are the possible subjects that can be studied at The Marches School and Technology College: n Diploma in IT n Engineering

17 There are two levels of Diploma starting in Year 10 or 12: The Foundation Diploma equates to four to five GCSEs at grades D - G. The Higher Diploma equates to six to seven GCSEs at grades A* - C.

18 What does it involve? An overview: Skills, knowledge and understanding central to the chosen Diploma At least 50% is practical Employer designed and endorsed Principal LearningGeneric Learning Additional/ specialist learning Functional skills: English, Maths, ICT Personal, learning and thinking skills Optional units Can broaden and deepen learning programme Progression pathways Work experience (minimum 10 days), Project

19 COLLABORATIVE COURSES These are the possible subjects that can be studied elsewhere: These are the possible subjects that can be studied elsewhere: n Animal Care n BTEC in Performing Arts n BTEC in Sport n Beauty and Salon Services n Care n Child Care n Hairdressing and Salon Services n Health and Social Care n Horse Care

20 COLLABORATIVE COURSES n Land Studies – Agriculture n Land Studies - Horticulture n Motor Vehicle Studies n Outdoor Education – non-exam n Business Administration – Work Based n Customer Service – Work Based n Food Preparation – Work Based n Hairdressing – Work Based n Other Work Based possibilities

21 Quality Decisions Now it is time for decisions, but before that is done it is vital that pupils do the following things: - talk with their parents - talk with their teachers - talk with others who have done the course and then move towards an accurate decision they can be happy with.

22 Year 9 Option Selection The Process

23 January 31st Information booklet and preference forms issued to pupils and parents

24 January 31st Year 9 Parents Consultation Evening

25 March 5th Showcase Event at WNSC to outline content of available Collaborative courses Showcase Event at WNSC to outline content of available Collaborative courses

26 March 20th Preference sheets returned to Tutors

27 April and May Potential for Taster Days for Collaborative Course

28 The End of the Process By May the majority of pupils will be settled into choices. By May the majority of pupils will be settled into choices. Where there is any cause for concern, further time will be given to resolve any difficulties. Where there is any cause for concern, further time will be given to resolve any difficulties.

29 CURRICULUM 2008 – 2010 Key Stage 4 Choices

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