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THE PROGRESSIVE ERA To Regulate or not to Regulate? That is the question… I.Pressures for Reform A. Conservative View: B. Progressive View C. Do you feel.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PROGRESSIVE ERA To Regulate or not to Regulate? That is the question… I.Pressures for Reform A. Conservative View: B. Progressive View C. Do you feel."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE PROGRESSIVE ERA To Regulate or not to Regulate? That is the question… I.Pressures for Reform A. Conservative View: B. Progressive View C. Do you feel it is constitutional to place restrictions on minimum wage, hours worked (over forty hours per week is overtime), and other regulations? D. _____________ and ______________labor were on the rise. Is there a problem with this? E. The rich were becoming richer and fewer in number while the ___________ were becoming ________________ as their numbers __________________ Laisez Faire…Government Hands off…there should be no regulation For the welfare of the people…there should be Government Regulation Women Child poor poorerincreased

2 II._____________________ - tended to be middle class reformers who scraped up the ____________ on dirty politics and business. They used _________________, magazine ________________, and ______________ to spread their word. A. Lincoln Steffens wrote “ _______________ of the _________________” and exposed true political corruption in St. Louis. He Blamed the citizens of the cities and not politicians or big business. Why? B. Ida Tarbell wrote articles for ________________ Magazine and wrote the History of the __________________ _____________ Company to bring down _____________________ C. Frank Norris wrote The Octopus which discussed the fight between farmers and the monopolistic, unfair business practices of the ____________________. D. ____________________ ____________________ wrote The Jungle which exposed the dreadful conditions of the _____________ _______________ industry. 1. This led to the Meat Inspection Act and the ____________ ___________ and _______________ administration 2. Upton Sinclair said he was aiming for peoples hearts (trying to spread ____________________), but he hit their __________________ Muckrakers MuckNewspapers articles books Shame Cities McClure’s Standard Oil Rockefeller Railroads Upton Sinclair Meat Packing Pure Food Drug Socialism Stomachs

3 E.Thomas Nast drew political _____________________ to bring down Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall, a corrupt political machine in New York City. F. Jacob Riis wrote a book called “________ ________ ______________ __ ___________ __________.” This book wrote about and included pictures of the slum conditions in the _____________. G._____________ _______________ created _______________ ______________ to help poor immigrants. It acted as a: ***Jane Addams became an expert on poor conditions in the cities and managed to get laws that abolished ______________ labor. She felt this would help cities. Why? Cartoons How The Other Half Lives cities Jane Addams Hull House Child Kids in school could improve society and help stop gang related crimes Settlement House, Day Care Center, Library, Abused Women Center, etc

4 H.African Americans also fought for reform: This is one group the Progressives did not fight for…they had to fight for themselves in the late 1800’s…Both of the following men wanted African American civil rights, they just had very different ways of achieving their goals: 1. Booker T. Washington W.E.B. DuBois Background: Thoughts on how to gain equal rights: Greatest Accomplishment: 2. Marcus Garvy created a back to _________________ movement. He actually fought against ________________. (Start of ____________ Renaissance. Born a slave in the South. Born in Boston and Will become the frist Black graduate of Harvard. Take what Whites Will give you. Take Basic jobs and build an Economic foundation Go to college and gain Political positions. Demand Immediate change. Demand Equal rights now Founded the Tuskegee Institute, A trade school Founded the NAACP, in order To help African Americans get To college Africa IntegrationHarlem

5 III.Progressivism A. Municipal (____________) Reforms 1. The fight at this very local level was against political machines and their bosses. A prime example of this was __________ __________ and ________________ Hall 2. Many Progressive Mayors one elections and attempted to push through reform that created efficient government services. B. State Level Reforms 1. Initiative: 2. Referendum: 3. Recall: 4. Australian Ballot – This allowed for ________________ ballot and hurt the attempts of political machines to control elections. City Level Boss Tweed Tammany Citizens create laws by signing a petition Citizens pass laws by voting on them…School Budgets are like a referendum. Some Initiatives Become Referendums Citizens sign a petition to create an election where they can Vote out “bad” politicians. A Private All these Reforms Placed Citizens in Charge of government

6 C.“Teddy” Roosevelt, The Square Deal, and Federal Reform 1. T.R. wanted to give every man a Square Deal. This means that he wanted to help the _______________class. 2. T.R. was best known for being a _____________ Buster. He hated unfair business practices and managed to bring down people like ________________. 3. T.R. was also known for being a ___________________. He set aside 190 million acres for 149 _________________ __________________ 4. 16 th Amendment: 5. 17 th Amendment: 6. 18 th Amendment: 7. 19 th Amendment: Lower / Middle Trust Rockefeller Conservationist NationalParks (Yellow Stone) Income Tax Direct election of Senators Prohibition (only Amendment to be overturned by another Amendment) Women’s Suffrage (right to vote)

7 D.End of T.R.’s policies 1. Taft was not as pushy or energetic as T.R. Many people accused him of backing _________ ______________. After Taft fired Gifford Pinchot, T.R.’s right hand man in Forest Conservation, T.R. ran for re- election under the __________ ____________ Party (Progressive Party). 2. Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote leaving the door wide open for ___________________ ___________________ 3. Wilson was very Progressive himself. a. Lowered ______________ b. Passed the Clayton Anti Trust Act: c. Passed the Federal Trade Commission: d. Passed the Federal Reserve Act: e. Pushed for the 16 th, 17 th, 18 th, and 19 th Amendments 4. Woodrow Wilson ends up fighting World War I and ends up over regulateing. businesses and people get sick of it…wanting it to end. The 3 Presidents that followed Wilson will return America back to a ___________________ _____________________ economy Regulates the money supply Regulated Railroads beyond ICC Made it easier to bust trusts Laissez Faire Tariffs – brought in cheaper foreign products forcing domestic prices down Woodrow Wilson Bull Moose Big Business

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