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Michelle Berg Internship Coordinator University Career Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Michelle Berg Internship Coordinator University Career Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Michelle Berg Internship Coordinator University Career Center

2 Outline GCSU Paperwork Application Process Common Questions Know Yourself/Clarify your goals Strategize your search Finding internship positions Your professional persona Networking Questions

3 GCSU Paperwork Before you begin the internship… Program Application Waiver form Approval form Learning Agreement After you begin the internship… Midterm Site Evaluation Midterm Employer Evaluation Final Site Evaluation Final Employer Evaluation

4 Application Process & Interviewing Online or paper application Essay/Statement of interest References Resume & Cover Letter Interview Types of interviews: Phone Interview In person interview Group Individual

5 Common Questions When should I start looking for an internship? Where should I do an internship? How do I start my search? Is there a long list of internships somewhere I can look at? I’m interested in more than one area- Help!?! What semester should I do an internship? Is it possible to get paid during my internship?

6 Search Secret #1: Know Yourself! Topics you like best in your major Internship Goals Skills you want to develop Organization values & mission Supervisor Qualities Causes you are passionate about Brainstorm a list of places that fit the description

7 Search Secret #2: Clarify your goals A sk yourself a few questions during the early stages of your search: Why do I want to complete an internship? When? What area(s) do I want to explore the most? What specific skills do I want to develop? What activities have I liked the best (and the least)? What are my expectations? Are they realistic? Do I need a paid internship? What do I want to walk away with when my internship is completed?

8 Internship Search Scenario STUDENT #1: Paul is a junior Biology major. He searches for his internship by looking at internship websites and talks to a few people about what is available. He’s not sure what type of internship he’s looking for and is open to suggestions. STUDENT #2: Mary is a junior Mass Communication major. She first develops a clear idea of what she’s looking for and searches by brainstorming, searching websites, and talking to people about what organizations that fit the description. Which method is better?

9 Search Secret 3#: Strategize Clarify your internship goals Make a timeline Plan: People to contact (E.g., faculty, Career Center, alumni) Organizations to contact Websites to browse Career fairs to attend Networking events to attend Professional associations to join

10 Search Secret #4: Places to locate openings GCSU Career Connection Broad internship websites Specific Organization websites Professional association websites Word of mouth/Networking Informational interview Places you’ve volunteered Career Fairs Suggestion Letter

11 Search Secret #5: Create your Professional Persona Develop internship goals Polish resume & cover letter Develop your professional network Research the organization Review “Frequently Asked Interview Questions” Participate in a mock interview session Dress the part Interview Follow-up Visit the Career Center!

12 Search Secret #6: Display Qualities Employers Like Willingness to learn Self-starter Critical thinker Inquisitive Organized Professional Reliable Strong work ethic Flexible (tasks) Creative Communication Skills Interpersonal Skills

13 Search Secret #7: Networking What Networking IS NOT: Asking people for an job/internship Using people to get ahead Meeting as many people as possible About schmoozing with people What Networking IS: Making contacts Learning new information Good listening skills Mutual benefit Believe it or not, you already HAVE a network!

14 Networking Contacts Friends Family Faculty Students Alumni Professional Associations Coworkers Supervisors Community Leaders

15 Networking

16 Search Secret #8: The Internship Proposal Believe it or not, you CAN suggest an internship to an organization Make sure you they don’t have a program Do your research Brainstorm possible goals and responsibilities Find a specific person to be in contact with Send a letter & email Follow-up Meet to discuss specifics

17 Using the internet to find internships LinkedIn Facebook Twitter StudentJobsInternQueen InternGCSU (GCSU Internship Coordinator Michelle Berg) Career/Work blogs GCSU Career Connection Look for agencies and organizations in your field, not just internship listings Find contacts at companies that interest you

18 Things to Remember… Be Creative! Take risks- apply to everything Be persistent Enjoy your internship Be an active participant Ask questions Take initiative Meet people and keep in touch Think of it as a learning experience At the conclusion, evaluate what you’ve learned

19 Resources -Internship articles and other search resources - Internship Handbook: Business lists - Chamber of Commerce, phone book, online business directories O*net (google onet) - Find job descriptions for multiple careers Career Connection (myinterfase.gcsu/student) -To find employers, listings, and contact information (username: interns, password: learn) - Type “internship” into the search engine, several results appear Governor’s Internship Program:

20 Questions?

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