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Internship / Job Search Techniques Career Services Oregon State University 8 Kerr Administration Building (541) 737 - 4085

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1 Internship / Job Search Techniques Career Services Oregon State University 8 Kerr Administration Building (541) 737 - 4085

2 The Job Search Process Overwhelming Break it down Not necessarily straight forward Treat as a job Do something every day

3 Preparation Four-step process: Know yourself Know where you want to work Get ready for the search Start searching

4 Step One: Know Yourself Where are you in the process? Review skills, interests, values, personality, goals –Group into 4 major qualifications/strengths – be very clear on what you have to offer and how you fit Consider experience and involvement while in college and beyond Consider preferences: environment, location, peers, working relationships

5 Step Two: Know where you want to work/intern Research programs, organizations, industries Coursework – specializations Books, journals, guides, directories, newspapers Volunteering, internships, activities Conferences, alumni, career/grad fairs Informational Interviewing

6 Step 2 Cont. Know your field labor market information – OLMIS OLMIS Entry level, salaries, locations Top three geographic areas Focus search - 10 Potential Employers

7 Step Three: Get ready for the search Develop your network Get organized –Contacts, activities, application materials Tools –Resumes, letters, applications, personal statements, interviews, portfolio Suit up Professional e-mail / voice mail

8 NACE Top Ten Skills/Qualities Communication skills (verbal & written) Honesty/integrity Interpersonal skills (relate well to others) Strong work ethic Teamwork skills (work well with others)

9 Top Ten Skills/Qualities (cont.) Analytical skills Motivation / initiative Flexibility / adaptability Computer skills Detail-oriented

10 Advice from Employers Research, research, research Be prepared for your interview Gain relevant work experience Stand out - demonstrate –Communication skills –Maturity/business etiquette –Work ethic

11 Step Four: Start searching Use of multiple search strategies Maintain your network Tailor your message Targeting organizations and employers Schedule your search activities

12 Job Search Techniques Networking Professional Associations Campus Recruiting Career/Job Fairs Internet Resources –Search Engines –Company Web Pages Job Bulletins Employment Agencies or Professional Recruiters Targeted Letter Campaigns Newspapers

13 Networking Learn about field(s) Develop mentoring relationships Tap the hidden job market

14 Professional Associations Current issues & trends Journals/publications Professional interactions Conferences and seminars

15 Beaver Recruiting Online, available 24/7 On-campus interviewing and presentations Numerous employers –Local and national Variety Definite job/internship opportunities

16 Career / Job Fairs One-stop shopping Interactive –Many OSU alumni Exploration/research Available jobs & internships Local and national opportunities Upcoming Career Fair April 25 thUpcoming Career Fair April 25 th

17 Targeted Letter Campaign Send to organizations of interest Shows employers your initiative Personalized letters receive more attention Follow up

18 Walk-in/Cold-call Small businesses and organizations Take initiative/proactive Little competition Risk

19 Tips for Success Be focused, yet flexible Revise, update, and tailor your resume, cover letter, and applications Perfect your interviewing skills Set short-term and long-term goals Be realistic about investment in time Be persistent and patient Maintain a positive attitude

20 Additional Resources Books in the Career Services Library Drop-in advising Individual appointments with Career Counselor Your friends, family, and faculty

21 Good Luck! Let us know how else we can help you! Career Services 8 Kerr Administration Building 737-4085

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