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Chapter 6 “Religion”.

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1 Chapter 6 “Religion”

2 Religions of the World

3 This next slide contains a map that was on last year’s AP Final exam.

4 1. The map above shows the distribution of three religious groups in the contiguous United States.
A. Using the letters in the legend, name the three religious groups shown on the map. B. For ONE of the three religious groups, first identify and then explain TWO factors that have influenced the distribution shown on the map. C. Explain how the map as presented at this scale is an incomplete representation of the geography of religion in the United States.


6 Religion and Language lie at the foundation of culture
Universalizing religions – … Ethnic religions (cultural) – …

7 Predominant Region(s) Followers (in millions)
Major World Religions Religion Predominant Region(s) Followers (in millions) Christianity Am, Eur, Aus, Rus 1524 Roman Catholic C & S Am, Eur 829 Protestant N Am, N Eur, Aus 503 Orthodox E Eur, Rus, C Asia 192 Islam N Afr, SW Asia, Indo. 1157 Sunni N Afr, SW Asia 996 Shia (Shiite) Iran 163 Hinduism India 757 Buddhism SE Asia, China, Japan 347 Chinese Religions China 263 Sikhism S Asia 22 Judaism US, Eur 17

8 The Universalizing Religions can be divided into Branches, Denominations and Sects.
A Branch is a large fundamental division with a religion. Eg. Roman Catholic is a branch of Christianity. A Denomination is a division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations in a single legal and administrative body. Eg. Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal and Lutheran are denominations of the Protestant church. A Sect is a relatively small group broken away from an established denomination. The ‘Community of the Ladies of all Peoples’ is a sect of the Protestant Church.

9 Christianity - > 1.5 billion, Bible
Major denominations Roman Catholic – Papacy (Rome) Protestant – Luther (Germany) Orthodox – Constantinople (Turkey) Source, Beliefs, Diffusion - Bible - holy book Jesus – son of God (Jerusalem); Roman Emperor Constantine (312 AD) spreads Christianity (hierarchical and relocation diff), spreads throughout Europe & Balkans (contagious diff) European colonialism - Americas & Africa (relocation diff)

10 Diffusion of Christianity
Christianity diffused from Palestine through the Roman Empire and continued diffusing through Europe after the fall of Rome. It was later replaced by Islam in much of the Mideast and North Africa.

11 Islam - > 1 billion Major denominations Sunni – orthodox (majority) - leadership of the Muslim nation – can be elected Shiite – leadership of the Muslim nation – must be related to the Prophet Muhammad or appointed by him Source & Beliefs Qu’ran - holy book Muhammad is the messenger of God (571 AD, Mecca, Medina); “Five Pillars” – shahada (profession of faith), pray 5 X day, fasting (Ramadan), almsgiving, pilgrimage to Mecca - Haj Mosque

12 Diffusion Spread from Medina (Saudi Arabia) follows hierarchical diffusion – conquest – Ottoman Empire Spread through Arab traders throughout N Africa (contagious diff) – convert many animist believers. Crusades - stop the spread of Islam (1095 – 1199) – illustrate struggle b/w Christianity & Islam Spread to Malaysia & Indonesia (largest Muslim country today) – relocation diffusion

13 Diffusion of Islam

14 Hinduism - >750 million
Oldest major religion Source & Beliefs Indus Valley (Pakistan; 4,000 yrs. ago) Ganges River Caste system (Untouchables – lowest, Brahman -highest caste), Karma (force generated by a person’s actions) – affects transmigrations into future existence), reincarnation) Cremation Diffusion Spread into SE Asia, Bali (Indonesia) – relocation diff as well as contagious diff - mainly through trade and migration

15 Buddhism - <350 million
Source and Beliefs Gautama (the Buddha – enlightened one (wealthy founder, 6th c. BC) Buddha sought to end suffering, seek to achieve nirvana (highest level of enlightenment), no true God or deity, believe in reincarnation Pagodas and shrines, often bell-shaped (protect burial mounds), Buddha (cross-legged pose) Diffusion Spread from Nepal to the South and the East – relocation diff and contagious diff - trade and migration

16 Diffusion of Buddhism Buddhism diffused gradually from its origin in northeastern India to Sri Lanka, southeast Asia, and eventually China and Japan.

17 Judaism - >12.8 million Source and Beliefs - Torah (Five Books of Moses) - Belief in God – special relationship with God (Covenant); Abraham, Moses Waiting for the Messiah Synagogue Diffusion - Zionist movement led to homeland (Israel); - Jerusalem - Diffusion due to migration and persecution (Diaspora - forced dispersion).

18 Chinese Religions: Taoism: Lao-Tsu, Fung Shui organizing life & space Confucianism: Confucian Classics (13 texts, 5th c. BC) elements of Buddhism Other Religions: Sikhism - Punjab (NW India), monotheistic, elements of Hinduism & Islam Shintoism – Buddhism & Japanese culture Shamanism– people follow a shaman (religious leader) Baha’l – Iran – new - began in the 19th Century – open to other religions – main holy place is in Haifa - Israel

19 Diffusion of Universalizing Religions
Each of the three main universalizing religions diffused widely from its hearth.

20 Click here to see an excellent animation (Flash) that illustrates the diffusion of the major religions through time.

21 Diffusion of the 4 Major Religions

22 Key Terms: Monotheistic – … Syncretism – … Secularism – … Theocracy – …

23 Ghetto - … Fundamentalist - … Animism - … Polytheism - …

24 Three main religions have similar origins – Christianity, Judaism, Islam:
- All three believe Adam was the first Man Abraham was one of his descendants These 3 religions all believe in God/Allah and that Abraham was a great prophet. Jerusalem is the area where the Canaanites lived (the promised land given to them from God. The Canaanites were the ancestors of the Hebrews, also called Israelites and today Jews.

25 Jerusalem is a major city for all three faiths
Jerusalem is a major city for all three faiths. - Judaism – Temple Mount – Wailing Wall (Western Wall) – Where God gathered dust and created Adam - Islam – Dome of the Rock – East side of the wailing wall – Muhammad assent into Heaven - Christianity – Where Jesus lived, preached and died.

26 Jerusalem The Old City of Jerusalem contains holy sites for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

27 All three began roughly the same part of the world – Center of Population at the time, major trade routes. This area was at one time or another controlled by the Egyptians, The Romans, The Hebrews and the Ottomans.

28 Interesting to discuss how each Religion views or effects the following:
Cosmogony – origins of the universe Religious Calendar Rituals for the Dead Toponyms Pilgrimages - location of Holy Places How conflicts have been centered on Religion - Middle East, Northern Ireland, Iraq/Iran Religious Landscape/Architecture How each Religion handles expansion and defence of it’s faith

29 Boundary Changes in Palestine/Israel
The UN partition plan for Palestine in 1947 contrasted with the boundaries that were established after the 1948–49 War. Major changes later resulted from the 1967 War.

30 Protestants in Northern Ireland
Percent Protestant population by district in Ireland, When Ireland became independent in 1937, 26 northern districts with large Protestant populations chose to remain part of the United Kingdom.

31 Religion and Geography
Landscape and Sacred Space -Places possess sacredness Religious Ecology -Mountains, rivers and natural hazards are holy Religion and Environmental Modification -Humans rule the earth and have dominion of the animals and plants Religion and the Economy -Wine, Pork, alcohol, food taboos Religion and Political Geography -Theocracies Landscapes of the Dead -Cemeteries, tombs, ceremonies Religious Names on the land -Toponyms

32 Religion and Geography
Landscape and Sacred Space -Places possess sacredness Religious Ecology -Mountains, rivers and natural hazards are holy Religion and Environmental Modification -Humans rule the earth and have dominion of the animals and plants Religion and the Economy -Wine, Pork, alcohol, food taboos Religion and Political Geography -Theocracies Landscapes of the Dead -Cemeteries, tombs, ceremonies Religious Names on the land -Toponyms

33 Architecture - Cultural Landscape

34 Christianity

35 First Church of Christ, Connecticut
Christian architecture First Church of Christ, Connecticut

36 Basilica of St. Francis, Assisi, Italy
Christian architecture Basilica of St. Francis, Assisi, Italy

37 Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France
Christian architecture Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, France

38 Christian architecture
Ideal Gothic Church

39 Greek Orthodox (Byzantine) Church in Crete, Greece

40 St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City - Rome
Christian architecture St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City - Rome

41 Islam

42 Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, Israel
Islamic architecture Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, Israel

43 The Blue Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey

44 Santa Sophia (Hagia) – Istanbul, Turkey

45 Islamic architecture Mecca, Saudi Arabia

46 Sikhism

47 Golden Temple, Amritsar, India
Hindu and Islamic architecture Golden Temple, Amritsar, India

48 Hinduism

49 Shiva Temple, Rameshvaram
Hindu architecture Shiva Temple, Rameshvaram & Badrinath, India

50 Rajarani Temple, Bhubaneshwar, India
Hindu architecture Rajarani Temple, Bhubaneshwar, India

51 Bathing in the Ganges River by Hindu Pilgrims

52 Buddhism

53 Swayabhunath Stupa, Kathmandu, Nepal
Buddhist architecture Swayabhunath Stupa, Kathmandu, Nepal

54 That Phanom Shrine, Thailand
Buddhist architecture and statue That Phanom Shrine, Thailand

55 Buddhist statue Buddha Statue

56 Shintoism

57 Senjokaku Shrine, Miyajima, Japan
Buddhist architecture Senjokaku Shrine, Miyajima, Japan

58 Judaism

59 Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, Israel
Jewish holy place Wailing Wall, Jerusalem, Israel

60 Holy Blossom, Toronto

61 Western Wall & Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel

62 Baha’i

63 One Temple in each of the Continents:
Chile India USA Western Samoa Panama Australia Uganda Turkmenistan Baha’i Temple - Illinois

64 Vocabulary List

65 Religion (groups, places) Religious architectural styles
Unit III. Cultural Patterns and Processes, Part 2—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts Religion Animism Buddhism Cargo cult pilgrimage Christianity Confucianism Ethnic religion Exclave/enclave Fundamentalism Geomancy (feng shui) Hadj Hinduism Interfaith boundaries Islam Jainism Judaism Landscapes of the dead Monotheism/polytheism Mormonism Muslim pilgrimage Muslim population Proselytic religion Reincarnation Religion (groups, places) Religious architectural styles Religious conflict Religious culture hearth Religious toponym Sacred space Secularism Shamanism Sharia law Shintoism Sikhism Sunni/Shia Taoism Theocracy Universalizing Zoroastrianism

66 The End!

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