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Religion Flashcards WG SOL Review. What is a hajj?

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Presentation on theme: "Religion Flashcards WG SOL Review. What is a hajj?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion Flashcards WG SOL Review

2 What is a hajj?

3 A religious journey

4 What the main religion of China?

5 Buddhism

6 What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

7 1.Faith 2. Prayer 5X daily 3. Alms (charity) 4. Fasting during Ramadan (holy month) 5. Hajj (pilgrimage)

8 What is nirvana?

9 Desired state of “enlightenment” for Buddhists

10 Name three holy cities for Islam?

11 1.Mecca, Saudi Arabia 2. Medina, Saudi Arabia 3. Jerusalem, Israel

12 What is reincarnation?

13 Cycle of rebirth after death until moral obligation is fulfilled (Hinduism/Buddhism)

14 What are the holy texts of Hinduism?

15 Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita

16 What is the main religion of Indonesia?

17 Islam

18 What is the holy text of Christianity ?

19 Bible Old & New Testament

20 What is the holy text of Islam ?

21 Qur'an/Koran

22 What is the main religion of India?

23 Hinduism

24 What is the main religion of Southeast Asia?

25 Buddhism

26 What is the holy city for a Hindu pilgrimage?

27 Varanasi, India (Ganges River)

28 What is the main religion of Pakistan?

29 Islam

30 What is the main religion of Japan?

31 Shintoism

32 What is the main religion of Israel?

33 Judaism

34 What is the main religion of Southwest Asia?

35 Islam

36 What is the main religion of Europe?

37 Christianity

38 What is the holy city for a Islamic pilgrimage?

39 Mecca, Saudi Arabia (Kaaba)

40 What is the main religion of North Africa?

41 Islam

42 What is the main religion of North America?

43 Christianity (Protestant)

44 What is the main religion of Latin America?

45 Christianity (Roman Catholicism)

46 What is the holy text of Judaism?

47 Torah/Talmud (1 st 5 Books of the Old Testament Bible - written in Hebrew)

48 What is the holy city of Christianity?

49 Jerusalem, Israel (city where Jesus was crucified) Church of the Holy Sepulcher

50 What is the holy city of Judaism?

51 Jerusalem, Israel Western Wall

52 What is the sacred river of the Hindu religion?

53 Ganges River

54 What does monotheistic mean?

55 Belief in one god

56 What does polytheistic mean?

57 Belief in numerous gods (more than one)

58 Name three polytheistic religions?

59 1. Hinduism 2. Shintoism 3. Animism/ Traditional

60 What is the holy place of worship for Islam?

61 Mosque

62 What is the holy place of worship for Buddhism?

63 Shrine/Pagoda

64 What is the holy place of worship for Roman Catholics?

65 Cathedral

66 What is the holy place of worship for Protestants?

67 Church

68 What is the holy place of worship for Judaism?

69 Temple or Synagogue

70 What is the main religion of Russia?

71 Eastern Orthodox (if practiced)

72 What does an Eastern Orthodox Church look like?

73 “Swirly” dome, onion-shaped (Hershey Kiss)

74 What is a minaret?

75 Mosque tower from which prayer time is called for Islamists (5X per day)

76 What is the main religion of Central Asia?

77 Islam

78 What is the most sacred place for an Islamist?

79 Kaaba, a shrine in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

80 What now sits on the site where Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice?

81 Dome of the Rock Jerusalem, Israel (Gabriel spoke to Muhammad with a message from Allah)

82 What now sits on the site of the tomb of Jesus?

83 Church of the Holy Sepulcher

84 Where is the Dome of the Rock?

85 Jerusalem, Israel

86 Where is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher?

87 Jerusalem, Israel

88 Where is the Western “Wailing” Wall?

89 Jerusalem, Israel

90 Where is the Kaaba?

91 Mecca, Saudi Arabia

92 Why is Medina, Saudi Arabia a holy city for Islamists?

93 City where Muhammad died

94 Who is Prince Siddhartha Gautama?

95 Buddha “Enlightened One”

96 What lead to the death of millions of Jews?

97 Holocaust (Hitler)

98 Where is a pilgrimage?

99 Religious journey


101 Western Wall Jerusalem, Israel Judaism

102 Western Wall Jerusalem, Israel Judaism


104 Church of the Holy Sepulcher Jerusalem, Israel Christianity


106 Dome of the Rock Jerusalem, Israel Islam


108 Kaaba Mecca, Saudi Arabia Islam


110 St. Basil’s Cathedral Moscow, Russia Christianity (Eastern Orthodox)


112 St. Peter’s Basilica Vatican City (Italy) Christianity (Roman Catholic)


114 Angkor Wat Cambodia (SE Asia) 1 st Hindu Temple Now a Buddhist Monetary


116 The Basilica Cathedral Plaza de Armas, Lima, Peru Christianity (Roman Catholic)


118 Trinity Church Massachusetts, USA Christianity (Protestant)


120 Vatican City (home to the Pope) Rome, Italy Christianity (Roman Catholic)

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