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by making local environments safer and more attractive for walking and cycling by supporting and encouraging individuals to make more sustainable travel.

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2 by making local environments safer and more attractive for walking and cycling by supporting and encouraging individuals to make more sustainable travel choices by influencing policy and practice. Sustrans works in three ways

3 Development of the National Cycle Network 1992-early work1995’s target 2,500 2000 achieved 5,000

4 200020012002200320042005200620072008 The National Cycle Network Open National Route

5 29 million walking and cycling trips on the Network in Wales last year potential carbon saving of these trips is over 63,000 tonnes a year, valued at £3.2 million The health benefits of cycling on the Network in Wales in 2009 were worth £20.5 million National Cycle Network in Wales

6 Priority VCN schemes




10 Pentrebach Underpass

11 Section of Mural Design for Pentrebach Underpass created by local community arts group

12 Lost four stone Blood pressure dropped dramatically Ditched post-op crutches and stick within a month

13 87% of residents now say the street is safe for children, compared to just 11% before 33% of residents now spend more time with their neighbours.


15 Passenger transport purpose (all modes)

16 Estimated CO2 emissions by journey purpose

17 Decarbonising local travel 55% of UK total transport emissions come from personal car use 20% of CO 2 emissions arise from journeys that are less than 5 miles More than half of all car journeys are under 5 miles Only 2% of journeys under 5 miles are currently cycled On average we each travel 1,300 journeys a year that are under 5 miles

18 TravelSmart Case Study 1

19 Based on approach pioneered by Socialdata in late 1980s to promote public transport First extended to include walking and cycling as part of TravelSmart programme in Perth, Western Australia Introduced to UK in 2001 by Sustrans in partnership with Socialdata Now delivered 29 projects helping more than 250,000 people to travel more sustainably TravelSmart - a brief history

20 Designed to directly address individual subjective barriers that prevent greater use of sustainable travel Focused on enabling (not telling) people to change behaviour, when and where it suits them best Multi-stage dialogue allows for varying levels of engagement Customer focus results in unique experience for every participating household Addresses all travel purposes Why does TravelSmart work?

21 Regular user (~15%) of sustainable modes with info needs Interested (~50%) in using sustainable modes Personal delivery Information pack (+ reward for regular users) Target population Personal contact (65-95%) by phone or on the doorstep Home advice session Regular user (~10%) of sustainable modes w/out info needs Reward only Personal delivery Not Interested (~25%) in using sustainable modes Eco-driving info/ no further contact By post The TravelSmart process


23 TravelSmart outcomes completed projects (2006-10) Location Target population (households) Car-as- driver trips Date Sustainable travel modes Preston & South Ribble2006-0725,200+11%-10% Lancaster & Morecambe2006-0725,000+19%-14% Peterborough2005-0830,000+16%-11% Worcester2005-0823,500+11%-13% Weston-super-Mare20081,950+14%-12% Brislington & Knowle20091,900+15%-11% Exeter2008-1025,000+18%-12% Lowestoft2008-1025,000+22%-13% Watford2008-1025,009+19%-13%

24 Savings ranging from 417 to 1,540 car km per household per year Estimated CO 2 savings of 85 to 313 kg per year (using 2009 Defra fleet average conversion factor) Peterborough and Worcester TravelSmart delivered annual CO2 savings of 6,412 tonnes and 4,005 tonnes on baseline levels, respectively. TravelSmart carbon outcomes

25 TravelSmart in Wales 100,000 households, over 4 years Sustainable Travel Centres Cardiff Haverfordwest and Carmarthen Aberystwyth Mon a Menai

26 63,000 households 52% saturation (AFD) Spring / summer 2011 baseline survey 3 phases household PTP starting Autumn 2011 TravelSmart in Cardiff

27 Bike It Case Study 2

28 Creating the low carbon next generation Results for the second year of the project

29 School travel is responsible for 20% of peak hour traffic Average distance for primary school journeys is 1.5 miles, for secondary schools 3.3 miles Average car occupancy is one parent and one child The school journey

30 The Bike It approach school staff capacity building pupil responsibilities “Bike It crew” information and supporting resources advice and overcoming barriers embeds a culture of cycling a tailored range of activities, in 4 stages

31 The four phases of Bike It

32 Photos of activities Awareness raising – and data collection

33 Empowerment

34 Bike breakfast

35 Curriculum links

36 Action – bike rides

37 Action – competitions

38 Virtual Bike Race 45 schools 709 mile virtual race 5989 pupils journeys 1333 adult journeys NPTConwyCardiff total pupils 1913158524915989 adults 3343786211333

39 Increase in cycling Approx 650 more pupils cycling regularly

40 Pupils cycling every day

41 Reduction in car use 218 fewer pupils being driven every day

42 ? Bike It carbon outcomes

43 Useful data sources Carbon Pathways Analysis, DfT 2008 UK Transport and Climate Change data factsheet, DfT 2008 National Travel Survey Stern Review 3 ingredients; carbon pricing, technology and removing barriers to behaviour change Sustrans website

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