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Ancient Rome and how it connects to the hunger games.

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1 Ancient Rome and how it connects to the hunger games

2 How does the colosseum connect to the arena in the hunger games? "Katniss sparked a rebellion by defying the Capitol in the Games the same way the gladiator Spartacus sparked a rebellion by escaping from the school where he was being trained in Capua. Spartacus and the 70-ish men who escaped with him began raiding the lavish country estates of the Roman elite and the slaves belonging to these estates joined in, creating an army of thousands of slaves. Katniss’ and Peeta’s tale is similar because their defiance made one district after another join in the rebellion until District 13 came out of the shadows and organized the rebellion, taking it to its logical conclusion. Unfortunately for Spartcus, things did not turn out so well. After his army was defeated, the 6000 survivors (which did not include him as he died in battle) were crucified along the Appian Way as a warning to other slaves. Thus ended the Third Servile War". The arena where they battle In the hunger games is very simalarto the colosseum.

3 How does the latin phase et Circenses relate to the country panem? Suzanne Collins has said that Panem is supposed to be like ancient Rome: "Panem itself comes from the Latin expression 'Panem et Circenses' which translates into 'Bread and Circuses'" (source). This term refers to the techniques used by the Roman Empire to keep the masses happy and docile by keeping their bellies full and their minds entertained. "Panem is very similar to the cultural perception of how ancient Rome was throughout its history, despite the fact that it was not always ruled by debauched emperors. There is the Capitol, which is rich, decadent and has a complete stranglehold over the outlying districts. In the latter half of the Roman Empire, this was very true because Roman citizens were usually exempt from certain taxes that the provincials had to pay. Life within the province of Italy was usually much better than life in the outlying provinces, which is similar to Panem’s system. Rome also had many provinces and each province was known for its main exports (i.e. Egypt was known as the breadbasket of the empire because of its grain). Panem’s districts are known for their main exports as well, as demonstrated by the fact that the two tributes from each district wear something relating to their district’s main export". This relates to the hunger games because it the same thing pretty much just in a different time period and place.

4 Why did the author name the character Seneca after the philosopher in ancient Rome? Cinna’s name comes from none other than Julius Caesar’s first father-in-law. Octavia was the sister of Octavian, the first true emperor of Rome, who later became known as Caesar Augustus. hunger-games-and-ancient-rome/

5 Why did Suzanne Collins name the characters in the capital after ancient roman leaders? "Panem: Suzanne Collins has said that Panem is supposed to be like ancient Rome: "Panem itself comes from the Latin expression 'Panem et Circenses' which translates into 'Bread and Circuses'". This term refers to the techniques used by the Roman Empire to keep the masses happy and docile". The Hunger Games and the Arena: With our Roman history glasses on, we can't help but see the Hunger Games arena as very similar to the Colosseum in Rome, where gladiators would fight to the death for the entertainment of the citizens of the Empire's capitol. This relates to the second question it's the same type of person doing the same thing just in a different place and time period.

6 Work cited Slager, Carrie. "The mad reviewer." N.p., n.d. Web.. Reference: Slager, Carrie. "The mad reviewer." N.p., n.d. Web.. No Citations For This Reference If you're unfamiliar with setting up a properly formatted MLA Reference page, See Our Web Page before you paste the data into your paper. For additional help, visit our User Forums, monitored 7 days per week by the PERRLA Customer Support team. Collins, Suzanne. "The hunger games." N.p., n.d. Web.. Reference: Collins, Suzanne. "The hunger games." N.p., n.d. Web.. No Citations For This Reference If you're unfamiliar with setting up a properly formatted MLA Reference page, See Our Web Page before you paste the data into your paper. For additional help, visit our User Forums, monitored 7 days per week by the PERRLA Customer Support team. Thanks! PERRLA, LLC Sent from my iPad

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