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Monteith Elementary Welcome to Kindergarten Information Night! January 24, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Monteith Elementary Welcome to Kindergarten Information Night! January 24, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monteith Elementary Welcome to Kindergarten Information Night! January 24, 2013

2 We Love Monteith! Office Staff –Keith Howell –Patti Kwiakowski –Kathy Herzog The Kindergarten Staff –Kathe DiVirgil –Diane Richards –Natalie Bruveris Speech and Language –Tabatha Khoury http://gppsstv.phanfa 443325 http://gppsstv.phanfa 443325

3 Speech and Language Handout and articulation profile Enhance Vocabulary Repeat and Add Use Books Starfall Games: Follow child’s lead Alphabetic knowledge Offer choices Model to improve Direction following will help Technology Apps

4 Relationships

5 School Safety Please check in at the office each time you enter the building. Visitors must have a pass when walking the halls. All doors will be locked during the day. Please use buzzer system if you need to enter the building.

6 Monteith’s School Wide Expectations Monty’s Expectations are posted on our website Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe

7 Monty’s PBS Program I will be respectful and kind to others. I will practice responsibility. I will always be safe. Today, I will DO my best to BE my best.

8 Monteith Website Calendar Check often! Lunch Menu Parents Monteith & GPPSS Parent Information Students Educational Websites for students to access from school & home Site Shortcuts Important information easily accessible, including the Monteith Messenger Announcements This weeks most important events Upcoming Events Calendar at a glance

9 Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education The Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education (GPFPE) is an independent, non- profit organization dedicated to the enhancement of academic excellence in the Grosse Pointe Public School System. The GPFPE’s purpose is to provide locally controlled, private supplemental funding to support and increase a variety of activities, as well as academic and enrichment programs for students and staff. Funds raised augment school system revenues. The GPFPE funds innovative technology, leading edge teaching tools, classroom improvements, enhanced educational programming, staff and professional development, and extracurricular, co-curricular and athletic programs and activities. To date, the GPFPE has raised over $2 million for our schools, given back over $1.6 million, and started building an endowment fund. To give, volunteer, or learn more about the Foundation visit or call 313-432-3058. Materials are also available in the school office and on the district website.


11 Is my child ready for Kindergarten? You know your child best! Ask preschool program current enrolled. Set up meeting with principal if you are unsure. Can your child… if you answer yes to most and sometimes to others then your child should be ready. Kindergarten entrance dates.

12 Kindergarten II: Making a Successful Transition Into Kindergarten Thursday, February 07, 2013 06:30 PM Kindergarten readiness presentation: strategies to help preschoolers learn the skills they will need to be successful in kindergarten. 6:30-8:30pm panel presentation followed by Q&A. At Barnes Early Childhood Center. Closing date: Thursday, February 07, 2013 06:00 PM KINDERGARTEN I: Get Ready!! – Core Curriculum

13 Sleep and School-Aged Children Sleep and School-aged Children (5-12 years) Children aged five to 12 need 10-11 hours of sleep. At the same time, there is an increasing demand on their time from school (e.g., homework), sports and other extracurricular and social activities. In addition, school-aged children become more interested in TV, computers, the media and Internet as well as caffeine products – all of which can lead to difficulty falling asleep, nightmares and disruptions to their sleep. In particular, watching TV close to bedtime has been associated with bedtime resistance, difficulty falling asleep, anxiety around sleep and sleeping fewer hours. Sleep problems and disorders are prevalent at this age. Poor or inadequate sleep can lead to mood swings, behavioral problems such as hyperactivity and cognitive problems that impact on their ability to learn in school. Info from the National Sleep Foundation


15 Love and Logic Parenting and Teaching Shaping Self-Concept - Allows our kids to struggle…lets them work through their trials… and guides them toward independence - Allow kids to wrestle with tying their shoes, zipping coat, etc.… instead of automatically jumping in and doing it for them. - Teach them how to talk to their teachers about problems at school… rather than always doing it for them. - Teach them how to work out problems with friends… rather than fixing problems for them. When we fix things we take away the belief system that they can fix things on their own. - Teach and model friendly and kind behaviors… talk about how it makes others feel. - Don’t always tell kids they are smart unless you are providing reason… you study, take school seriously, work hard, etc. - Remember that the more things they learn to do for themselves, the stronger and more confident they will become!

16 Education can be an upward climb…

17 and sometimes messy…

18 you may even want to give up….

19 but if you keep your thinking cap on…

20 keep a good attitude….

21 and work extremely hard…

22 and have fun too…

23 you will reach your goals!

24 Kindergarten Information Letter from Superintendent – Dr. Harwood Kindergarten Parent Information Kids Club News/Camp O’Fun Kids Club Enrollment and Health Form Kindergarten II – The Family Center Kindergarten Enrollment Form Kindergarten Waiver Request

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