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Ready to Read : Helping your child develop a love for reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Ready to Read : Helping your child develop a love for reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready to Read : Helping your child develop a love for reading.

2 Congratulations! Your child's journey to becoming a reader begins in the womb. Parents and Guardians are the best role models for a child's education! Today you have taken a big step towards helping your child be their best!

3 What happens before school matters! What preschoolers know before they enter school is strongly related to how easily they learn to read in first grade. 3 Predictors of reading achievement: Knowing the names of letters in the alphabet. Knowledge about print (front and back of books, how to turn pages). Awareness of sounds in words (phonemes).

4 Learning to read is closely tied to learning to talk and listen. 1. Your baby can communicate with you before they can talk!  2. The “give and take” between you and your baby helps your baby’s brain grow strong and healthy. 3. Answer with excitement when your baby makes a gesture or a sound!

5 Start reading as early as birth and in your FIRST language. WHY?  Babies answer to the tone and beat of your voice.  Reading is one way to form a healthy and loving relationship.  Children raised in bilingual homes have cognitive advantages.  Neuropath ways  Double vocabularies, solving logic problems, handle multi-tasking more efficiently.

6  Compared 6-month babies from bilingual and monolingual homes.  At 6-months, both groups of babies could distinguish sounds in two different languages; however,  By 10-12 months, the babies in the monolingual homes lost the ability to distinguish the sounds in a 2 nd language;  Bilingual home babies continued to sharpen their skills. How listening shapes the baby brain.

7 T Tell my child what I notice or wonder A Ask my child what he/she notices or wonders. L Listen to my child’s ideas and questions. K Keep the conversation going. There is always time to T.A.L.K! Julie Russ Harris, Harvard Graduate School of Education

8  Tell your child stories about him or herself, or you as a child.  Make sure your child can easily reach his or her letters and books.  Make reading a family activity. Give books as gifts. Make books!  Make sure your child sees YOU read! Toddlers

9  Teach your child rhymes and word games.  Make story telling and reading a nap and bedtime ritual.  Give your child chalk, crayons, paints, markers, colored pencils and paper.  Use your public library often-and with the whole family. Preschooler

10  Watch for ways for your child is getting ready to write.  Write letters and notes to your kindergartner.  Keep talking with -and listening to- your child as often as you can.  Play dominoes, card and board games with your child.  Build a relationship with your child’s teacher. Kindergartners

11 Talk about what you are doing, thinking, and seeing. (At the grocery store, running errands…) Use joint book reading as a time to talk and learn about the world. Picture books and books in your native language are perfect! Encourage the act of writing (or drawing) as a way to communicate, remember, and celebrate ideas and moments. (Family stories, creating books, shopping lists…) Ways to T.A.L.K. in a busy life!

12 Thank you! For information about ESOL, GED, or Family Literacy Classes contact: Worcester Adult Learning Center Worcester Public Schools 24 Chatham Street Worcester, MA (508)799-3090 You ARE a Role Model!


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