Tool Identification Ag Structures.

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1 Tool Identification Ag Structures

2 Terms Tools-any instrument used in doing work
Hand tool- any tool operated by hand to do work Power tool- operated by some source of power other than human power

3 Advantages of Using Hand Tools
Effective & efficient Use hand tools when electrical or engine power is not available Used for small jobs, where large machines can’t function

4 Selecting Hand Tools Select quality tools
Brand names=better quality tools Using wrong tool can be dangerous, can damage the tool, and result in inferior work

5 Layout Tools Tool used to measure or mark wood, metal, and other materials.

6 Tape Measurer Come in lengths ranging from 6 foot to 30 foot, a width of ½ to 1 inch, Can lock open, and use a spring to retract the tape with the push of a button.

7 Combination Square Determining 45 and 90 degree angles

8 Framing Square Squaring cut corners and laying out stairs and rafters

9 Try Square 90 degree squaring

10 Framing Square Squaring cut corners and laying out stairs and rafters

11 Level Leveling and plumbing

12 Other Measuring Layout Tools
Electronic Tape Measure Divider- Marking Gauge Chalk Line

13 Once materials are measured and marked, they need to be cut, shaped, and bored as needed to prepare for assembling

14 Saws Classified by use and teeth per inch.
An 8-point saw would have 8 teeth per inch. Handsaws include the: Crosscut, rip, compass or keyhole, coping and backsaw.

15 Coping Saw Cutting curves and irregular cuts in thin materials

16 Hack Saw Used for sawing metal

17 Shaping Tools Includes planes, wood chisel, and rasps.

18 Plane Tool used to smooth surfaces and change the size or shape of wood materials. Planes include: Jack Plane Smoothing Plane Block Plane

19 Jack Plane Usually 14 inches long
Used for smoothing long surfaces by shaving with the grain of the wood

20 Smoothing Plane Usually 8 inches long,
Used with the grain and to finish smoothing

21 Block Plane Usually 6 to 6½ inches long
Used for smoothing the ends of boards by cutting across the grain. To avoid splitting corners, clamp a piece of wood on both edges of the board or plane from the edge toward the center.

22 Wood Chisel Wedge-shaped cutting tool used to cut notches and shaving off excess wood Come in a variety of widths and are generally hit with a wooden mallet.

23 Wood Chisel Keep the chisel sharp for safe and effective use.
To mark a slot turn the bevel of the chisel inward and up to cut shallow, and down to cut deep.

24 Wood Rasp Also known as a wood file
Used for smoothing rough work and for removing small amounts of wood on curved and irregular-shaped objects.

25 Wood Rasp Be sure the rasp has a handle.
Apply pressure on the forward stroke. Clean the rasp with a wire brush or file card.

26 Boring Tools Includes the hand drill push drill brace and bit

27 Hand Drill Device with gears that drive its bit much faster than the handle turns It is used for small holes when it is not convenient to use an electric drill

28 Brace Device for holding and turning an auger bit

29 Auger Bit Square tang to fit into the brace.
The cutting end has a feed screw, cutting lips, and cutting spurs

30 Auger Bit Drill until the feed screw begins to come through the wood, then back out the bit, and turn the wood over to finish the hole from the other side Prevents the wood from splintering out

31 Holding or Gripping Tools
Help complete the job quicker, easier, and safer Clamps and vises Used to hold or grip wood or metal while being cut, shaped, bored, and fastened Pliers, wrenches, and screwdrivers Used at times for holding, gripping, or turning.

32 C-Clamps Clamping two or more pieces of metal together Named after
It’s C Shape

33 Bar Clamps Adjustable clamp that can range from a few inches to six feet

34 Hand Screw Clamp Clamping wood together Can span up to 10 inches
Requires two hands for tightening

35 Miter Clamps Used for tightening corners
Example: Making a picture frame.

36 Machinist’s Vise Made for heavy duty work
Have jaws that grip materials to keep them from slipping Often mounted to a shop table.

37 Pliers Types: Combination pliers Needle nose pliers
Diagonal side cutting pliers Channel lock pliers Locking pliers

38 Combination Pliers Also called adjustable & slip joint
Adjust for holding various size material

39 Needle Nose Pliers Reaching into recessed areas Twist wire

40 Diagonal Cutting Pliers
Also known as Lineman’s Pliers Surface and diagonal wire cutting

41 Groove Joint Pliers Several size adjustments
Gripping when great pressure is needed

42 Vise Grip Pliers For extra firm gripping

43 Wrenches Used for gripping and tightening Include adjustable jaw,
fixed jaw socket set screw, and pipe wrenches.

44 Adjustable Wrench Often called crescent wrench
Turning various size nuts and bolts When using, pull against stronger, stationary jaw of wrench

45 Combination Wrench Turing hex and square nuts and bolts

46 Open End Wrench Turning square head nuts and bolts

47 Box End Wrench Turning hex head nuts and bolts.
One end of the combination wrench is like the boxend wrench.

48 Socket Sets Offer the option of a breaker bar to loosen tight nuts.
Offer speed of a ratchet handle to loosen the nuts quickly

49 Allen Wrench Turning Hex head sockets screws

50 Screwdrivers Either: Standard Phillips

51 Standard or Flat Blade Used with standard size slots
Select a screwdriver that fills the width and depth of the screw slot Longer handles give the maximum leverage for tightening and loosening

52 Phillips Screwdriver Turning Phillips head screws
Easier to tighten or loosed because of screwdriver is less likely to slip out of the screw slot.

53 Driving Driving tools To fasten building materials together. Examples:
Hammers and Staplers

54 Curved Claw hammers Most commonly used hammers to drive and pull nails. Handles may be wood, metal, or fiberglass.

55 Using a Curved Claw Hammer
Whatever the nail size: Hold the nail Tap it until it will stand on its own Then grip the handle near the end hitting the nail square with a long swinging stroke.

56 Straight Claw hammers Can be used to rip boards.
Just as good as the curved claw hammer for driving nails Not as effective when trying to pull bent nails

57 Ball Pein Hammer Used when hammering metal

58 Mallets Wooden Mallets may be used with wood chisels made with a metal shank. Rubber Mallets are useful when there is concern of damaging the material that is being driven.

59 Sledge Hammer Heavy Hammering
Used for driving stakes, wrecking materials that need to be removed Use two hands for maximum delivery of power

60 Wrecking Bar/Crow Bar Used for Ripping and prying

61 Bolt Cutters Cutting bolts and steel rods

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