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© United Nations Development Programme THE WORLD WE WANT: UN process for coordinating the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda Nicole Igloi, UNDP.

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Presentation on theme: "© United Nations Development Programme THE WORLD WE WANT: UN process for coordinating the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda Nicole Igloi, UNDP."— Presentation transcript:

1 © United Nations Development Programme THE WORLD WE WANT: UN process for coordinating the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda Nicole Igloi, UNDP


3 OVERVIEW Process setup: mechanisms to support formulation of the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda Content: the vision of the UN Way forward: open and inclusive consultations


5 HIGH LEVEL PANEL ON POST-2015 (HLP) Composed of 27 eminent persons, to advise the UN Secretary-General on a bold but practical development agenda post-2015 Work based on findings of UN Task Team’s report & informed by the outcomes of major processes, incl. dedicated consultations It will submit a report to the UN Secretary- General by 31 May 2013

6 OPEN WORKING GROUP ON SDGs (OWG) To be composed of 30 representatives nominated by Member States Tasked to develop a proposal for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in coherence with Post-2015 UN development agenda It will submit a report, to the 68 th session of the General Assembly

7 7 1. National consultations : Lead by the UN Resident Coordinators and building on on- going consultations, they will feed into the post-2015 formal process. 2. Thematic consultations: with academia, media, private sector, employers, trade unions, civil society, and decision makers on current central challenges to the post 2015 development. 3. Web and social media: to allow open interaction and information exchange among a range of stakeholders; aligned with the ‘Future We Want’ campaign launched by the SG. Post-2015 development agenda Capacity Development Group, Bureau for Development Policy Open and inclusive consultations UNDG CONSULTATIONS INITIATIVE Report to be made available to the HLP and to inform the UN Secretary-General’s report to the 2013 General Assembly

8 UN TASK TEAM ON POST-2015 (UN TT) Representatives of over 60 UN entities and international organisations, to coordinate the system and propose a unified vision Report “Realizing the Future We Want for All” submitted to UN Secretary-General in June 2012 To support the OWG & provide analysis and recommendations on monitoring and accountability, and global partnerships

9 THE VISION OF THE UN (from UN TT Report) Recognise need for transformative change for inclusive, people-centered, sustainable development Build on the core values outlined in the Millennium Declaration… …centred on three fundamental principles: respect for human rights equality sustainability

10 Equality Sustainability Human rights Environmental sustainability Protecting biodiversity Stable climate Universal access to clean water and sanitation Peace and human security Freedom from violence, conflict and abuse Resilience to natural hazards Conflict-free access to natural resources Inclusive human development Adequate nutrition for all Quality education for all Reduced mortality and morbidity Adequate social protection Inclusive economic development Eradicating income poverty and hunger Reducing inequalities Ensuring decent work and productive employment Enablers: Sustainable use of natural resources (climate, oceans, biodiversity) and management of waste Managing disaster risk and improving disaster response Enablers: Fair and stable global trading system Adequate financing for development and stable financial system Affordable access to technology and knowledge Providing sustainable energy for all Coherent macroeconomic and development policies supportive of inclusive and green growth Enablers: Sustainable food and nutrition security Universal access to quality health care Universal access to quality education Inclusive social protection systems Managing demographic dynamics Regulating international migration Enablers: Democratic and coherent global governance mechanisms Good governance practices based on the rule of law Human rights protection Recommendations of UN TT Report:

11 THE WAY FORWARD (from UN TT Report) Urgent need to find new pathways in pursuit of inclusive, equitable and sustainable global development Broad consultations about vision and contours When seeking consensus three dangers should be avoided: Overloading Overt prescription or vagueness Donor centrism

12 THE WAY FORWARD 2012 High-Level Meeting on the Rule of Law 2013 High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development 2014 20-year review of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development 2014 Financing for Development review conference 2014 Development Cooperation Forum 2015 World Conference on Disaster Reduction 2015 10-year Review of the World Summit of the Information Society 2015 Commemoration of the 20 th Anniversary of the Beijing World Conference on Women …among others Inter-governmental processes will serve as milestones towards the Post-2015 UN development agenda:

13 A process of many voices & ideas: YouthHealth Governance LGBTI rights Economic Inequalities Indigenous Peoples Food Security & Nutrition Environment Water Population Dynamics Growth & Employment Conflict & Fragility Violence against Women

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