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Use Of Tenses Navdeep Kaur,Manpreet Singh Presented By: Sarita Sexena Lect.(Eng.) Govt. sen. Sec. school Sahauran(SAS Nagar) Class: 9 th ; Subject: English.

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2 Use Of Tenses Navdeep Kaur,Manpreet Singh Presented By: Sarita Sexena Lect.(Eng.) Govt. sen. Sec. school Sahauran(SAS Nagar) Class: 9 th ; Subject: English

3 Contents Definition of tenses. Use of tenses Exercises Bibliography.

4 Tense Any of the forms of a verb that may be used to show the time of the action or state expressed by the verbTENSES PASTTENSEPRESENTTENSEFUTURETENSE

5 The Present indefinite/ Simple Present tense Habitual Action/ Routine matters – I take soup daily. I do not take the soup. (Negative) Do I take soup? (Interrogative)

6 The Present indefinite/ Simple Present tense For habitual actions, for universal truths, for actions going to take place in near future. Example: The sun rises in the east. The sun does not rise in the east. (Negative) Does the sun rise in the east? (Interrogative)

7 The Present indefinite/ Simple Present tense For a planned future action, especially when referred to a journey. Example He leaves for Chandigarh tomorrow. He does not leave for Chandigarh tomorrow. (Negative) Does he leave for Chandigarh tomorrow? (Interrogative)

8 The Present indefinite/ Simple Present tense With certain verbs which can’t be used in present continuous tense In Newspaper headlines In dramatic narrative

9 The Present Continuous Tense For an action still going on Example: He is writing a letter. He is not writing a letter. (Negative) Is he writing a letter? (Interrogative)

10 The Present Continuous Tense We are in the middle of something but not actually doing it at the moment of speaking I am teaching in a school. I am not teaching in a school. (Negative) Am I teaching in a school? (Interrogative)

11 The Present Continuous Tense Action going to take place in near future (immediate plan) For a routine that we see as temporary –We are going by an auto nowadays. We are not going by an auto nowadays. (Negative) Are we going by an auto nowadays? (Interrogative)

12 The Present Continuous Tense With always (habitual actions): He is always playing violin. He is not always playing violin. (Negative) Is he always playing violin? (Interrogative)

13 The Present Perfect Tense Things happening in the past but having result in the present- We have won the match. We have not won the match. (Negative) Have we won the match? (Interrogative) State which has gone on up to the present- They have played very well today. They have not played very well today. (Negative) Have they played very well today? (Interrogative)

14 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense For an action over a period of time leading up to the present.e.g. They have been playing for ten minutes. ( action is still going on) They have not been playing for ten minutes. (Negative) Have they been playing for ten minutes? (Interrogative) I have been swimming since morning. I have not been swimming since morning. (Negative) Have I been swimming since morning (Interrogative)

15 The Simple Past/ Past Indefinite tense Past habit/ Universal truths (facts) He used to go for a walk daily. He did not used to go for a walk daily. (Negative) Did he used to go for a walk daily? (Interrogative) When the time is asked about. I met with an accident. I did not meet with an accident. (Negative) Did I meet with an accident? (Interrogative)

16 The Simple Past/ Past Indefinite tense For a past action when the time is given. {Something in the past which is finished} India got independence in 1947. India did not get independence in 1947. (Negative) Did India get independence in 1947? (Interrogative)

17 Past Continuous Tense When I reached there they were washing a car.. It means the action in the past continues. started before the action in the simple past and probably continued after it.

18 Past Continuous Tense In descriptions – (Past cont.) e.g: A w ood fire was burning. A wood fire was not burning. (Negative) Was a wood fire burning? (Interrogative) A dog was sleeping. A dog was not sleeping. (Negative) Was a dog sleeping? (Interrogative)

19 The Past Perfect Tense For an action which began before the time of speaking in the past, and was still continuing /stopped at that time e.g. The sun had already set when we reached the sea side. The sun had not already set when we reached the sea side. (Negative) Had the sun already set when we reached the sea side? (Interrogative)

20 PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Used to express an action which had been going on for some time before another past action She had been waiting for two hours when they arrived. She had not been waiting for two hours when they arrived. (Negative) Had she been waiting for two hours when they arrived? (Interrogative)

21 FUTURE INDEFINITE / SIMPLE TENSE To express the speaker’s opinions, assumptions, speculations about the future. India will win tomorrow. India will not win tomorrow. (Negative) Will India win tomorrow? (Interrogative) To promise to do something – Thanks for the gift. I will keep it with me forever. I will not keep it with me forever. (Negative) Will I keep it with me forever? (Interrogative)

22 To express intention at the moment of decision or offer to do something. The dog will eat the food. The dog will not eat the food. (Negative) Will the dog eat the food? (Interrogative) FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSE

23 FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE To express future without intention e.g. She will be standing in the balcony. She will not be standing in the balcony. (Negative) Will she be standing in the balcony? (Interrogative)

24 THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE for an action which at a given future time will just have finished He will have gone to sleep before we reach home. He will not have gone to sleep before we reach home. (Negative) Will he have gone to sleep before we reach home? (Interrogative)

25 THE FUTURE PERFECT CONT. Used to express an action continuing beyond given time in the future. They will have been using the computer since morning. They will not have been using the computer since morning. (Negative) Will they have been using the computer since morning? (Interrogative)

26 Exercises-1 1.Tom(just come). Do you want to talk to him ? 2. This is the first time I (drive) a car. 3.She (just finish) her homework. She can go out with friends. 4.My father (translate) two pages yeste rday. 5.My brother(see) him last week at Jane 's birthday party.

27 Exercises 2 1 John---- football at the moment( play) 2 We often----tests at our school.( take) 3 I ----to my teacher now. (talk) 4 Look! Mandy and Susan----a film on TV. (watch) 5 Olivia---- her uncle every weekend. (meet)

28 Exercises 3 1) We --TV when it started to rain. (to watch) 2) I-- to visit you yesterday, but you --not at home. (to want) (to be) 3) Look! It ---, so we can't --to the beach. (to rain) (to go) 4) There are a lot of clouds! It--- soon. (to rain) 5) The sun--- in the East. (to rise)

29 Exercises 4 6) Since 2003 they ---their son every year. (to visit) 7) While the doctor--- Mr Jones, his son --- outside this morning. (to examine) (to wait) 8) I ---for my friend for two hours. (to wait) 9) After Larry---- the film on TV, he decided to buy the book. (to see) 10) Wait a minute, I ---this box for you. (to carry)

30 Bibliography Bibliography Essential English Grammar by Raymond Murphy. Essential English Grammar by Raymond Murphy. High school English Grammar by Thomson & Martin. High school English Grammar by Thomson & Martin.


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