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Chapter 4 - Future Tense. Chapter 4 - Future Tense.

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2 Chapter 4 - Future Tense

3 Verb Tense Review Exercise 1 p. 60
1. future 2. future 3. present 4.future 5.future 6.present 7.  present 8. future 9.future 10. present

4 Future Tense Simple Future Future Progressive Future Perfect
will be going to Future Progressive will + be + verb + ing be + going to + be + verb + ing Future Perfect will + have + past participle Future Perfect Progressive will + have + been + verb + ing

5 Future Simple will and be going to – use for future time will + verb
prediction willingness (plan made at the moment of speaking) refusal (will not = won’t) be + going to + verb (be + gonna + verb) plan (made before the moment of speaking) Key words: tomorrow, tonight, next week

6 Compare situations p. 63 A: Are you busy tonight?
B: Yes, I’m going to meet Julie at 7. We’re going to study together. In this situation only be going to is possible because the speaker has a prior plan. B: Well, I haven’t made any plans. I’ll eat dinner, and then I’ll probably watch TV. In this situation both will or be going to is possible because the speaker is predicting the night

7 Ex. 9 p. 64 c - plan a - prediction 3. A: c – plan B: b – willingness

8 Exercise 10 p. 64 1. willingness 2. plan 3. prediction 4. plan

9 Expressing Future in Time Clauses
 Time Clauses: dependent clause ****begin with words like: ____ and include a subject and verb when before as soon as after until while

10 Time Clauses – Expressing Future
Time Clause begins with words like: When, before, after, as soon as, until, or while + subject + verb When + subject + verb = time clause When the meaning of the time clause is future, the SIMPLE PRESENT is used. When Bob comes, we will see him.

11 Future in Time Clauses Present Progressive – to express an activity in progress in the future While I am traveling in Europe next year, I am going to save money by staying in youth hostels. Present Perfect – emphasizes the completion of one act before a second act in the future. (both same meaning) I will go to bed after I finish my homework. I will go to bed after I have finished my homework.

12 Exercise 14 p. 67 Dependent clause (time clause) , independent clause
Independent clause  (no comma) dependent clause (time clause)  2. After the rain stops, I'm going to sweep the front porch. 3. I'm going to start making dinner before my wife gets home from work today. 4.  I'm going to wait right here until Sonya comes. 5. As soon as the war is over, there will be new elections. 6. Right now the tide is low, but when the tide comes in, the ship will leave the harbor.

13 Exercise 15: 2. eat... will probably take/ am probably going to take
3. get... will give/ am going to give 4. watch.. .will call/am going to call 5. will wait/ am going to wait... comes 6. stops... will walk/am going to walk 7. graduate... intend... will go/am going to go... get 8. will listen.... am going to listen... am sleeping  

14 Present Progressive – future meaning
Use to express future time when the idea of the sentence is a planned event or a strong intention. Future meaning is indicated by the future time words! He is leaving at noon tomorrow. After lunch, I am meeting a friend. We are going shopping.

15 Simple Present- future meaning
Events that are on a definite schedule or timetable, these events contain future time words. few verbs can be used: open close begin end start finish arrive leave come return The museum opens at 10:00 tomorrow morning. Classes begin next week. John’s plane arrives at 6:05pm next Monday.

16 Exercise 18 future now habitually A: now B: now A: future
A: future B: future A: future

17 Future Progressive Used for an activity that will be in progress at a time in the future. will + be + verb + ing I will be studying when you come. 2. Be going to + be + verb +ing I am going to be studying at the library. Key words: when, after, as soon as, before

18 Exercise 22 1. is going to be studying/will be studying...
am going to be finishing/will be finishing 2. is going to be seeing/will be seeing.... is going to be doing/will be doing.... is going to be talking/will be talking.

19 Exercise 23 arrive; will be waiting/is going to be waiting
get; will be shining/is going to be shining; will be singing/are going to be singing; will still be lying/is still going to be lying A: will be enjoying/am going to be enjoying B: will be thinking/am going to be thinking will be/ am going to be in Chicago visiting will be / am going to be working at the library

20 Future Perfect An action that will end before another action or time in the future. Will + have + past participle I will graduate in June. I will see you in July. By the time I see you, I will have graduated. Key words: by the time you go/do; already

21 Future Perfect Progressive
Duration (how long) an activity will be in progress before another time or event in the future. Will + have + been + verb + ing I will have been sleeping for two hours by the time you get home. Key words: by the time, for ten days, by

22 Exercise 25 Future Perfect and Future Perfect Progressive (rarely used) 1. have been... had been... will have been 2. get... will have already arrived 3. got...had already arrived 4. have been sitting ... had been sitting... will have been sitting 5. will have begun... will have been teaching 6. will have been driving 7.get/will have taken 8. will have been running 9. will have been

23 Review of Verb Tenses Simple Tenses: Progressive Tenses:
Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future Progressive Tenses: Present Progressive Past Progressive Future Progressive

24 Exercise 11, p. 6 studies is studying studied was studying
will study/ is going to study will be studying/ is going to be studying

25 Review of Verb Tenses Perfect Tenses: Perfect Progressive Tenses:
Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Perfect Progressive Tenses: Present Perfect Progressive Past Perfect Progressive Future Perfect Progressive

26 Exercise 11, p. 7 has already studied had already studied
will already have studied has been studying had been studying will have been studying

27 Practice 1 1. has never flown 2. have been waiting... hasn't arrived 3. are.... reach 4. didn't own... had owned 5. are having... has been 6. will have left... get 7. went... got....were dancing.... were talking... was standing... had never met... introduced 8. was sitting.... looked....had just backed

28 Practice 2 1. am taking... leave.... am going.... going to go.... is studying.... has lived..... knows has promised....have never been.... am looking 2. had been raining.... dropped..... is going to be.... changes..... wake.....will be snowing

29 Practice 3 1. had been 10 was wearing 2. met 11. had changed
3. had missed 12. was still 4. was 13. asked 5. got 14. had gained 6. took 15. had turned 7. was 16. looked 8. had grown 17. were 9. was

30 Practice 4 1. will have been 11. will have changed 2. will meet
12. will still be 3. will have missed 13. will ask 4. will be 14. will probably have gained 5. get 15. will have turned 6. will take 16. will look 7. will no longer be 17. will be 8. will have grown 9. will be 10. will probably wear

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