Principles of Management Learning Session # 33 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Management Learning Session # 33 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Management Learning Session # 33 Dr. A. Rashid Kausar

2 Re-cap of Session # 32

3 Nature of Motivation

4 Motivation is the force energising, giving direction to, and / or leading Human Behaviour.

5 Motivation is a complex interaction of behaviours, needs, rewards/reinforcement and cognitive activities.

6 Nature of Motivation Ability Motivation Performance = X

7 Nature of Motivation Ability Moti- vation Environ mental conditions Performance = x X

8 3 Major Types of Motivation Theories

9 1. Content Theories of Motivation WHAT motivates us?

10 2. Process Theories of Motivation WHY and HOW motivation occurs!

11 3. Reinforcement Theory HOW outcomes influence behaviors!

12 The Motivation Framework Need(Deficiency) Evaluation of need satisfaction Search for ways to satisfy need Determination of future needs and search/choice for need satisfaction Choice of behavior to satisfy need


14 What is Motivation? The processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal Intensity: how hard a person tries Direction: where effort is channeled Persistence: how long effort is maintained

15 Unsatisfied Needs develop a tension and creates a drive to fulfill those needs. When those needs are satisfied, it reduces the tension and a state of relaxation is achieved.

16 Types of Motivators 1. Intrinsic 2. Extrinsic

17 Motivators Intrinsic A person’s internal desire to do something, due to such things as interest, challenge, and personal satisfaction.

18 Motivators Extrinsic Motivation that comes from outside the person, such as pay, bonuses, and other tangible rewards.

19 Needs Theories 1. Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Maslow) 2. Two-Factor Theory (Herzberg) 3. ERG Theory (Aldefer) 4. Acquired Needs Theory (McClelland)

20 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Physiological Safety Social Esteem Self Actualization

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