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No Fear!No Fear! Will I understand everything on the first reading?

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2 No Fear!No Fear! Will I understand everything on the first reading?

3 What is Poetry?What is Poetry? Poetry is a type of literature in which words are carefully chosen and arranged to create certain effects.

4 Where do we FIND Poetry?Where do we FIND Poetry?  Greeting Cards Greeting Cards  TV Theme Song TV Theme Song  Advertising Jingles Advertising Jingles  Song lyrics

5 When do we NEED Poetry?When do we NEED Poetry? Love Death (elegy) Memory Experience Expression Humor Joy

6 Poetic DevicesPoetic Devices Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. Example – Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before - Edgar Allan Poe, “The Raven”

7 Poetic DevicesPoetic Devices Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within non- rhyming words. Example - Only their usual maneuvers, dear - W.H. Auden, “O What Is That Sound”

8 Poetic DevicesPoetic Devices Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds within and at the end of words, as in “lonely afternoon.”

9 Sound DevicesSound Devices Sound devices, or uses of words for their auditory effect, can convey meaning and mood or unify a work.  Onomatopoeia – words whose sound imitates their suggested meanings, such as buzz, whisper, gargle, and murmur.  Repetition is a technique in which a sound, word, phrase, or line is repeated for emphasis or unity.

10 Sound DevicesSound Devices  Meter – the measured arrangement of sounds/beats in a poem, including the poet’s placement of emphasis and the number of syllables per line. *Think about the musical quality of a piece of writing.

11 Terms to KnowTerms to Know  Diction – the author’s specific word choice. Formal (elaborate words), neutral (standard language) or informal (slang, dialect, etc.)?

12 Terms to KnowTerms to Know  Shift – refers to a change or movement in a piece resulting from an epiphany, realization, or insight gained by the speaker, a character, or the reader. Look for: Key words (but, yet, however) Punctuation (dashes, periods, colons) Stanza divisions Changes in diction

13 Poetic FormsPoetic Forms Ballad A ballad is a narrative poem that is meant to be sung or recited. Typically, a traditional ballad focuses on a single tragic event.

14 Poetic FormsPoetic Forms Haiku Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry in which 17 syllables are arranged in three lines of 5 – 7 – 5 syllables. Haiku poems are usually inspired by nature. Harvest moon – walking around the pond all night long. - Basho

15 Poetic FormsPoetic Forms Concrete Poetry A concrete poem is one in which the poet uses visible shape to create a picture related to the poem’s subject.

16 Poetic FormsPoetic Forms Narrative Poetry Like fiction, a narrative poem contains the elements of plot, conflict, character, and setting that combine to create a story.

17 Poetic FormsPoetic Forms Free Verse Free verse is poetry that does not contain regular patterns of rhythm or rhyme.

18 Using TPFASTT to Analyze Poetry T – Title P – Paraphrase F – Figurative Language A – Attitude S – Shifts T – Title T - Theme

19 Title What do the words of the title suggest to you?

20 Paraphrase Translate the poem in your own words. What is the poem about?

21 Figurative LanguageFigurative Language What meaning does the poem have beyond the literal meaning? Consider:  Imagery  Allusions  Symbolism  Figurative Language

22 Attitude What is the speaker’s attitude? What is the author’s tone?

23 Shifts Where do the shifts in tone, setting, voice, etc. occur? Look for time and place, keywords, punctuation, stanza divisions, changes in length or rhyme, and sentence structure.

24 Title Reanalyze the title on an interpretive level. You have read the poem, now what are your thoughts on the title?

25 Theme What is the underlying message the author is trying to convey to the reader? What is the poem saying?

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