Welcome to class of Managing Marketing Research by Dr. Satyendra Singh.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to class of Managing Marketing Research by Dr. Satyendra Singh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to class of Managing Marketing Research by Dr. Satyendra Singh

2 “The formulation of the problem is often more essential than its solution” -- Albert Einstein

3 Types of Problems problem identification –interpretation usually in form of highlights problem solving –interpretation should provide basis for “yes” or “no” answers symptoms?!

4 Defining a Problem managers and decision makers often –are not specific enough –have objectives that are too broad –miss objectives –have hidden agendas

5 research –applied –pure –scientific –public opinion –business –academic Types of Marketing Research…

6 exploratory research –define the problem, not conclusive –subsequent research expected descriptive research –some understanding of the problem –who, what, when, where, and how questions causal research –identify cause and effect relationship Types of Marketing Research

7 problem discovery (pilot survey, case study) problem definition (statement of research objectives) research design –(interview, survey, lab., field, observation, sec. data) sampling (probability/nonprobablity) data gathering (fieldwork) data process and analysis (SPSS software) conclusions and report Stages in the Research Process

8 an unproven proposition a possible solution to a problem educated guess! based on: –theory –symptoms –pilot study –previous findings (Journals, etc.) Statement of Research Objectives i.e., Hypothesis

9 Research Proposal purpose of the study written statement of the research design detailed outline of the study hypothesis particular methodology time frame budget/cost patents

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