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Adjusting your Facebook Privacy Settings Privacy, please!

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1 Adjusting your Facebook Privacy Settings Privacy, please!

2 Profile Privacy You can control who sees what information about you on Facebook. – Settings | Privacy | Profile You can control who sees: – Your Profile – Basic Info/Personal Info – Status & Links – Tagged photos/videos – Friends – Wall posts – Education/work Info

3 Use Friend Lists Friends can be in more than one list Each list can have specific privacy settings – Example: Can see wall posts, but not photos See example lists on the right – Other ideas: Limited Access Full Access

4 News Feed Privacy Don’t want everyone to know you broke up with your bf/gf? Un-check ‘Change Relationship Status’ Posting on your friend’s Wall will show up in mutual friends News Feeds unless you un-check ‘Show Wall Posts’ You can hide any comments you make on items by un-checking their box

5 Search Privacy To hide completely: – Under Search Visibility, choose ‘Only Friends’ to stay completely hidden To hide from people outside your network: – Under Search Visibility, choose ‘All of My Networks’ from the Networks dropdown box You can also remove yourself from Google results by un-checking the ‘Public Search Listing’ checkbox.

6 Tag! You’re It! Finding pictures of yourself that someone has tagged with your name can be embarrassing and can even lead to a lost job or friendship. Go to your Profile Privacy page and change the settings next to ‘Photos Tagged of You’. Choose ‘Customize’ and make the appropriate selection – Select ‘Only Me’, then ‘None of My Networks’ to keep all tagged photos private – Select ‘Some Friends’ if you’d like at least some of your friends to see these photos – No matter which option you choose, you can always use the ‘Except These People’ option, which will exclude those specific people.

7 Photo Album Privacy If you want to make albums invisible, you must do it on an album by album basis Go to the Profile Privacy page – Privacy | Profile | Photos Tagged of You | Edit Photo Albums Privacy Settings Select from the dropdown box who can see each specific album

8 Controlling Applications Applications can post stories to your News Feed unless you edit each one. Change settings here: – Settings | Application Settings At the right of each application, click ‘Edit Settings’ to change what each application can do on your behalf.

9 Links & Reference Material FACEBOOK FAIL: How to Use Facebook Privacy Settings and Avoid Disaster Facebook’s New Privacy Features: A Complete Guide Facebook Safety Facebook Help Center – Privacy Facebook Security – Recommended Privacy Settings 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know How to Friend Mom, Dad, and the Boss on Facebook...Safely Privacy Controls in Facebook, Part 1 The Inside Facebook Guide to Protecting Your Privacy on Facebook Facebook Privacy: A Guide

10 Become a Fan of the MAC Lab Get updates on workshops like this one! View links to past workshop content Be the first to know when new workshops are offered HOW? Search ‘Multimedia Access Center’ when you log in to your Facebook account, or Click the link on our MAC Lab website –

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