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Denali Montessori School-wide expectations. Mrs. Brooke Hull Denali Principal Was an elementary gifted coordinator. Was a prior classroom teacher, test.

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Presentation on theme: "Denali Montessori School-wide expectations. Mrs. Brooke Hull Denali Principal Was an elementary gifted coordinator. Was a prior classroom teacher, test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Denali Montessori School-wide expectations

2 Mrs. Brooke Hull Denali Principal Was an elementary gifted coordinator. Was a prior classroom teacher, test administrator, community school board member, and classroom aide. Has two children: Darke and Anya Loves to run, read, and dance Is thrilled to be part of Denali Montessori!

3 Ms. Janice Banta Denali Counselor Fourth year at Denali on staff. Thirteenth and last year at Denali as a parent. Has 3 sons: Wade 17, Tore 14, and Jonas 11. Loves hiking, reading and traveling. Enjoys helping people.

4 Purpose of the Lesson Review school-wide expectations. Understand important information from the student handbook. Answer questions you might have about our school. Get to know each other

5 Denali Montessori Expectations Be safe Be respectful and kind Be responsible Be ready

6 Positive and Negative Referrals POSITIVE Teachers and staff will be looking for students to make good choices in school and send home positive referrals. Students who earn positive referrals usually get a new pencil once a month. NEGATIVE When students make choices that are not safe, respectful, or responsible, students may earn a negative referral. Consequences for a negative referral may include loss of recess, in-school or out of school suspension or other actions decided by staff.

7 Rights and Responsibilities Every student has the right to due process, fair, reasonable, and equal treatment and has the right to appeal. Students should treat others they way they want to be treated. Respect differences in others. Harassment and bullying is not tolerated. Students must attend school. Students should arrive at school by 8:50 a.m. and are tardy after 9:00 a.m. Students cooperate with school staff. Adults decide consequences for breaking rules. No guns, weapons, or look-alike weapons are allowed.

8 Examples: Violations of Rules and Possible Consequences Drugs/alcohol Arrest, suspension, community service, parent conference. Failure to follow rules Parent conference, work detail/detention, suspension, loss of privileges. Fighting, violence Suspension, arrest, parent conference, detention, work detail. Guns, weapons Suspension, arrest, expulsion, parent conference, referral to authorities. Harassment, bullying Detention/work detail, suspension, parent conference, expulsion, arrest, Vandalism Detention/work detail, suspension, parent conference, expulsion, arrest,

9 Ways to get help and avoid problems Always let an adult know if there is a “big problem” (you feel unsafe, bullied, afraid). Use the student mediators if you are having a conflict on the playground. Report anything dangerous, unsafe, or illegal to staff right away. Go to an adult you trust if you are having a problem (nurse, counselor, teacher, assistants, duties, principal, substitute, etc.).

10 DENALI EXPECTATIONS - Walkers If you walk to school, please look both ways when you reach the crosswalk and wait for the crossing guard to tell you that it is safe to cross. Our crossing guard, Ms. Sandi, is at the crosswalk from 8:25-8:50 in the morning and from 3:30-3:45 in the afternoon.

11 DENALI EXPECTATIONS - Parking Lot If you are driven to school, please have your parents or other driver park nearby or drop you off by the playground. We want you to be safe, so it is never okay to get out of a car at the curb in front of the school or in the parking lot where cars are driving. If your driver parks in the parking lot, hold their hand or stay close to them as you walk to the school building.

12 DENALI EXPECTATIONS - Playground Use the equipment safely. Be careful with others’ feelings and their bodies while you play. Take care of our building and our playground so it stays beautiful. Stay off the walls and fences, keeping away from traffic so that you are safe.

13 DENALI EXPECTATIONS - Playground Listen for announcements so that you know when parts of the playground are wet or icy and need to be avoided. Show respect to our noon duties and thank them for their work. Their names are Mr. Scott, Ms. Donna and Ms. Anastasia. Get a clothespin from a duty before going to the bathroom. Get help from the mediators when you have a small problem.

14 DENALI EXPECTATIONS - Hallways Walk in straight lines on the right side of the hall. Keep your eyes forward (this keeps you and others safe.) Please keep your hands off of the walls and bulletin boards as you walk the hall. They are hard to clean and the students, staff and parents are proud of the work on our boards.

15 Have a great school year! Do your best! Keep a good attitude! Get help when you need it. Work together to make Denali a great place to learn!

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