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Light Year 7 Extended Homework Activity 2011-2012 Name: DT group: DT Teacher:

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1 Light Year 7 Extended Homework Activity 2011-2012 Name: DT group: DT Teacher:

2 Design Technology Year 7 Extended Homework Activity Controlled Assessment Task Preparation Outline of the Project By the end of this project, you will… Know how to design and make a simple product Know what the word ‘light’ represents Be able to demonstrate your understanding of the design process through a practical activity Use inspiration to allow for opportunities for creativity in your designing

3 Week 1 Your task this week is to gather some research on the different types of light What do I need to do? Create a page of inspiration showing different forms of light How do I present my work? You can do this in any way you want. It can be in the form of a presentation (using PowerPoint), A word document, a news article, a poster or even a script for a radio show!) Remember, your teacher will be looking for good quality research using your own words. If you are writing it by hand and drawing, remember to keep this work presentable. What information do I need to include? You must collect inspirational images of anything that produces light. You must include information about your products and whether the light is natural or artificial You can then either email your work to your teacher at Or print off and give to your teacher next lesson To help you think of what images you can collect Light

4 Week 2 Your task this week is to begin to understand the design task to design and make a tea light holder by completing the attached sheet What do I need to do? Copy the design brief in the ‘Design Brief’ Box To design and make a tea light holder for a family member. It should be able to hold 1 tea light and must be made from at least 2 materials. Complete a brainstorm of ideas/things you could consider. Think about materials, how could it be made, who is it for etc… Create a list of Success Criteria. These are statements to say what it must, could or should be How do I present my work? You will complete the work in this booklet. Credit will be awarded for use of ICT and creativity in design. You will also need to make sure work is presented neatly and coloured in and labelled well. What information do I need to include? In your plan, you will need to include information about material choices, inspiration, and the function. You can then either email your work to your teacher at OR Complete the worksheet in this booklet for your teacher to collect in.

5 Week 3 Your task this week is to begin to design ideas for a tea light holder by completing the attached sheet What do I need to do? Complete the design sheet with colour and information. They must match what you said they would/could and should do from your Week 2 homework. In the evaluation sections, you must say how they meet the success criteria How do I present my work? You will complete the work in this booklet. Credit will be awarded for use of ICT and creativity in design. You will also need to make sure work is presented neatly and coloured in and labelled well. What information do I need to include? On your designs, you will need to include information about material choices, structure design, inspiration, and the function. You can then either email your work to your teacher at OR Complete the worksheet in this booklet for your teacher to collect in.

6 How am I getting on? Week Beginning Student Checkpoint Evaluation: 1.Go onto the school website 2.Find the Design Technology page under the ‘Curriculum tab 3.Locate Key Stage 3 4.Locate Extended Homework Tasks 5.Complete the Evaluation questionnaire

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