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I.O.L.P DMo’s guide to success. Target Setting Include the sentence; “To develop the skills in which will enable me to achieve my academic potential”,

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Presentation on theme: "I.O.L.P DMo’s guide to success. Target Setting Include the sentence; “To develop the skills in which will enable me to achieve my academic potential”,"— Presentation transcript:

1 I.O.L.P DMo’s guide to success

2 Target Setting Include the sentence; “To develop the skills in which will enable me to achieve my academic potential”, or a more subject specific aim. Remember to include a baseline i.e. where your at now and what you hope to achieve. For example, “I studied Biology at GCSE level and achieved a B grade. I hope to achieve a C grade at AS level”.

3 Has to relate to your aim. Examples include; Interim reports, Reports, School exams, Personal commitments and issues Tutor, teachers, mentor, Jo Fergusson, Mr M Roberts is the person responsible for collecting information.

4 Target Setting Start each one with “To improve……..” Only one can be subject specific i.e. “To improve my Engineering result as it is my weakest subject” All three need to be different Examples; Research skills, Organisation skills……

5 Action Planning Each action plan must directly relate to your Target Make sure that at least half of them are short term i.e. completed within 3 weeks Should be almost full – can get away with 5 / 6 actions Review dates; Dec ’11 March ’12

6 Learning Log To save time reference i.e. Target 1 / Action 1 If you didn’t make any changes to your action put N/A in the box. Otherwise explain any changes you made to your actions and say why you made these changes i.e. “I changed my revision timetable to include a group activity” – “My CHAMPS questionnaire said that I was a Interpersonal learner”

7 Talk about study periods and time after and outside of school. Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet. Use the chart produced whilst completing the CHAMPS questionnaires to fill in the above. Use the information within the Action section of CHAMPS to complete. Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet.

8 We will get you a study log to show when you’ve been in studies. You could also refer to your teachers if you’ve conducted a study within their rooms. Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet. Refer back to the comments made in question 8, 9 and 10 Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet.

9 Review You should have completed two reviews by now. Once in December and another in March. The idea of the review is to discuss how your improving. Talk about your actions and the progress you’ve made. Teachers have been doing this anyway when they’ve been filling in their mentor records. You can use them as a record. Please print and attach a copy making reference to it.

10 Try to find an example where you’ve used your new found skills; DofE, within lessons……… Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet. Refer back to the comments made in question 8, 9 and 10. Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet.

11 Refer back to your three targets set on page 7. Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet. Refer to your mentor record, report and interim reports. Make sure you refer to and reference any documents you’ve used as evidence. They should be attached at the back of the IOLP booklet.

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