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Intersections & Right of Way

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1 Intersections & Right of Way
Chapter 8

2 8-1 Intersections Three basic types of intersections Controlled
Use some form of signal, sign, or control device to direct traffic Examples – Stop Lights, STOP & YIELD signs, flashing yellow lights, and railroad crossings Semicontrolled Have either signs or signals on one or several approaches to the intersection but not every approach Dangerous because not every driver knows what to do Uncontrolled No form of control Found in rural or residential areas with little traffic Rarely found in the city or urban areas 8-1 Intersections

3 Searching Intersections
More than 1/3 of all collisions happen at an intersection 1/4 of all fatal collisions take place at an intersection Major Reason Driver’s failure to identify a safe path of travel through the intersection Searching Intersections

4 Parked vehicles on cross streets
Can You Name 6 Intersection Identifiers? Street signs Parked vehicles on cross streets Traffic Stopping Can You Name the 6 Intersection Identifiers? Street signs Roadway Markings Crossing Traffic Parked vehicles on cross streets Traffic Stopping Turning Traffic Turning Traffic Crossing Traffic Roadway Markings

5 Clues To Identify Intersections
Street Signs Roadway Markings Crossing Traffic Parked Vehicles on Cross Streets Turning Traffic Traffic Stopping Rows of Mailboxes Fences or Power Lines Clues To Identify Intersections

6 Approaching a Controlled Intersection
Approaching a Red Light or STOP Signs Reduce speed to stop You must make a FULL STOP at the crosswalk, stop line, or imaginary line extending from the stop sign if no actual line is painted on roadway You can be ticketed for not coming to a complete stop Never try to beat a signal Look for signs indicating turning prohibitions No turn on red Approaching a Controlled Intersection

7 Approaching a Controlled Intersection
Yellow Lights and YIELD Signs Point of No Return Point at which you can no longer stop safely without entering the intersection Checking traffic to your rear is crucial in determining whether or not to stop It is safer to proceed if you can do so safely rather than risk being rear-ended Approaching a Controlled Intersection

8 Approaching a Controlled Intersection
Yellow Lights and YIELD Signs “Long” Yellow – the light just turned yellow “Short” Yellow – the light has been yellow for a while and could change to RED Identifying this in the distance can better prepare you to stop if the light changes to red Flashing Yellow or YIELD sign at an intersection: Reduce speed and scan in both directions Look Left, Right, and Left again Proceed if clear Approaching a Controlled Intersection

9 Approaching a Controlled Intersection
Green Lights “Stale” Green A light that has been GREEN for a long time Anticipate and slow down “Fresh” Green A light that has just changed from RED to GREEN Proceed when clear Watch out for drivers trying to “beat” the yellow light If turning left, make sure there is a sufficient break in oncoming traffic Approaching a Controlled Intersection

10 Intersection Do’s and Don’ts
Don’t treat the lights as a drag race Pedestrians or vehicles can come into your path as you accelerate Don’t enter unless you are sure you can get all the way across Don’t block the intersection Can be ticketed in some jurisdictions Intersection Do’s and Don’ts


12 Approaching an Uncontrolled Intersection
Use Extra Caution Scanning ahead is critical Many are in residential areas Have to watch out for children, animals, etc. Always reduce speed and be prepared to stop Approaching an Uncontrolled Intersection

13 Other Types of Intersections
Alley Intersections Can be dangerous in urban settings Have to be more patient in waiting for an opening Is the first opportunity to go the best opportunity? Traffic Circles (Roundabouts) Circular roadways that allow traffic from many different directions to intersect without having to stop at traffic signals Be aware of vehicles on both sides of you Inner lane is used for through traffic/Outer lane for exiting traffic Exiting can be tricky, so you can always travel around the circle until you get an opening Other Types of Intersections

14 The right to use a certain part of a roadway when somebody else wants to use it at the same time
“Yielding” is giving the “right-of-way” to someone else You can always give right-of-way to others even if you have the right-of-way Why? – flow of traffic, avoid collisions, or just being NICE Never assume others will give you right-of-way Communicate with others 8-2 Right of Way

15 Right-of-Way at Intersections
Pedestrians come first – That’s why we stop behind the crosswalk or STOP sign Cross-traffic comes second Uncontrolled intersections, intersections with STOP signs on all corners (4-way), or intersections with flashing red or broken signal lights – Person that stops first, goes first Right-of-Way at Intersections

16 Right-of-Way at Intersections
Right-Hand Rule Drivers on the left should always give right-of-way to drivers on the right Communication is vital Give Right-of-Way to pedestrians before coming to a sidewalk Give Right-of-Way to all vehicles in a roadway when approaching from an alley, private driveway, or private road Stop Twice – once for pedestrians and once before entering the roadway Making turns Always yield to vehicles that already have the right of way If you are in the intersection and the light turns red, cross traffic will yield to you Right-of-Way at Intersections

17 Turn to page 176 in your textbook

18 Other Right-of-Way Situations
Passing Always give right-of-way to vehicles passing you and any vehicle that will prevent you from passing safely Merging Lanes If the lane you are in ends, give right of way to vehicles passing you in your lane Roadway Parking When pulling out of a parking spot, you must give right-of-way to through traffic on the road Other Right-of-Way Situations

19 Other Right-of-Way Situations
Pedestrians Always be prepared to give right-of-way to pedestrians Treat any intersection as if there were a crosswalk painted on the road Emergency Vehicles Must always give right-of-way to any emergency vehicle Move to the far right of your lane as near to the curb as possible and stop Do not stop in an intersection If you can’t stop, slow down and make a path Funeral Processions & Motorcades Lead vehicle has right-of-way over other vehicles Will have flags, signs, lights, or police escort Vehicles behind the lead follow without stopping Other Right-of-Way Situations

20 Railroad crossings are the site of hundreds of deaths each year in the U.S.
One of the deadliest types of intersections Caused by human error: Disobeying warning signals or devices Outrunning trains Ignoring crossing barriers 8-3 Railroad Crossings

21 It takes 2/3 of a mile for an 8 car passenger train going 60mph to stop.
It takes a 150-car freight car traveling 30 mph 3,150 feet to stop This is the speed at which most highway-rail crashes occur Even if the engineer sees you, it is impossible for them to miss you A train hitting a car is like stomping a pop can 8-3 Railroad Crossings

22 8-3 Railroad Crossings Controlled Railroad Crossing
Includes signs, warning lights, signals, roadway markings, lowered crossing gates, or some combination of these Warning signs will be posted well in advance ( feet) Uncontrolled Railroad Crossings Found in rural areas No warning signs or signals Treat as if you were approaching a YIELD sign 8-3 Railroad Crossings

23 8-3 Railroad Crossings Approaching a railroad Crossing
Reduce speed and listen for train coming Look and Listen Determine if any controls are at the crossing and obey them Do not try to beat the train Do not go if the gates are down If you determine it is clear, proceed. If it is not clear, stop well away from the tracks (20 feet) Once the train has passed, check to make sure there isn’t another Don’t just go because the arms are up! 8-3 Railroad Crossings

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