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Vocabulary, Types and Examples

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1 Vocabulary, Types and Examples
Poetry Vocabulary, Types and Examples

2 Language in Poetry Two Types:
Figurative – language used to create a special effect in feeling; characterized by figures of speech or language that compares, exaggerates, or words that mean something other than its literal meaning. Literal – The exact primary meaning of a word or words.

3 DICTION Diction – an author’s choice of words based on their correctness, clarity (clear), or effectiveness. Some words are purposely chosen to represent ideas, not to come right out and say them.

4 IMAGERY Imagery – words or phrases a writer selects to create a certain picture in the mind; based on sensory detail. Imagery uses descriptive words to evoke the five senses.

5 METER AND RHYTHM Meter and rhythm describe patterned repetition of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry. The meter and rhythm of a poem creates a beat.

6 VERSE AND REFRAIN Verse – metric line of poetry names according to the kind and number of feet composing it. Refrain – repetition of a line or phrase of a poem at regular intervals, especially at the end of a stanza (chorus).

7 STANZA Stanza – a division of poetry named for the number of lines it contains. When you see a space between lines in a poem, that means a new stanza is beginning.

8 RHYME Rhyme – similarity or likeness of sound existing between two words. T op = St op C at= M at

9 END RHYME End Rhyme – rhyming words that appear at the ends of two or more lines of poetry. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam I am.

10 INTERNAL RHYME Internal Rhyme – occurs when rhyming words appear in the same line of poetry. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

11 RHYME SCHEME Rhyme Scheme – the pattern or sequence in which rhyme sounds occur in a stanza or poem. To label a rhyme scheme, a similar letter is assigned to each pair of rhyming sounds in a stanza.

12 LABELING RHYME SCHEME Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? A Though are more lovely and temperate: B Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, A And summer’s lease hath all to short a date. B Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines C And often is his gold complexion dimmed; D And every fair from fair sometimes declines C By chance or nature changing course untrimmed. D The rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD

13 ALLITERATION Alliteration – repetition of initial consonant sounds in words. She sells sea shells down by the seashore.

14 ASSONANCE Assonance – repetition of vowel sounds without the repetition of consonant sounds. How now brown cow.

15 SIMILE Simile – comparison of two unlike things using the words “like” or “as.” He acts like an animal when he eats!

16 METAPHOR Metaphor – comparison of two unlike things NOT using “like” or “as.” He is an animal when he eats!

17 PERSONIFICATION Personification – giving human qualities to non-human objects. The wind whispered through the trees. The sun smiled down on the earth. The flag waved at us. The statue stared at us.

18 ONOMATOPOEIA Onomatopoeia – the use of a word whose sound suggests its meaning.

19 HYPERBOLE Hyperbole – The use of exaggeration for a heightened effect.

20 ALLUSION Allusion – an indirect reference to art, literature, history, etc. that the author expects the reader to recognize.

21 SYMBOLISM/SYMBOL Symbolism – the use of a person, place, or thing or an event used to represent something else. Symbol – the use of a concrete object to represent something abstract.

22 PARADOX Paradox – an apparent contradiction which is somehow true.

23 OXYMORON Oxymoron – a paradox where two successive words (side by side) seemingly contradict each other.

24 METONYMY Metonymy – the substitution of a term naming an object closely associated with the word in mind for the word itself. Saying “The White House decided..” to indicate what the President did.

25 SAMPLE CINQUAIN CINQUAIN (“sin-kane) – five line poem with definite requirements for each line. Line 1: One word – what the poem is about (noun). Line 2: Two words – words that describe the word in line 1 (adjectives). Line 3: Three words – actions associated with the word in line 1; what it does (verbs in the same form) Line 4: Four Words – Words that express thought or feeling about the word in line 1; words that make a statement about the word in line 1 (NOT A COMPLETE SENTENCE) Line 5: One word – Another word for the word in line 1; or a word that tells how you feel about the word in line 1 (noun)

26 SAMPLE CINQUAIN Mice Little, quiet Running, crawling, jumping
Eat holes in furniture Demons

27 DIAMANTE (DIAMOND) Diamante – seven-line poem with definite requirements. Line 1: One word (noun that has an opposite) Line 2: Two words (two adjectives describing the noun) Line 3: Three words (three participles – words ending in –ing or –ed) Line 4: Four words (two nouns related to the word in line 1 and two nouns that are opposite of the first two) Line 5: Three words (three participles indicating change or development of the subject ending in –ing or –ed) Line 6: Two words (two adjectives carrying on the idea of change or development) Line 7: One word (noun that is opposite of line 1)

28 SAMPLE DIAMANTE Fire Red, hot Burning, scalding, blistering
Heat, flames – frost, freezer Cooling, soothing, refreshing Cold, chilly Ice Notice the diamond shape of the poem.

29 BALLAD Ballad-Simple narrative poem. Presents a single dramatic episode. Story told through action and dialogue. Deals with subjects such as adventure, love, jealousy, heroism, disaster, or revenge. Four-line stanzas. Usually meant to be sung. Usually ABCB rhyme scheme. Usually has a refrain – ending of a stanza or separate stanza that is repeated.

30 HAIKU Haiku – traditional form of Japanese poetry composed of three lines. Haiku is used to capture a moment, express a feeling, and/or celebrate some phase or element of nature. 1 Line – 5 syllables 2 Line – 7 syllables 3 Line – 5 syllables These lines can be in any order.

31 Whoppers sitting on a plate,
SAMPLE HAIKU Aroma so sweet, Whoppers sitting on a plate, The thrill of eating.

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