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Presentation on theme: "THE AGE OF IMPERIALISM VOCABULARY 2. 1.Raw materials."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Raw materials

3  1. An unprocessed natural product used in manufacture.

4 2.Imperialism

5  2.A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically or socially.

6 3.Racism

7  3. The belief that one race is superior to other.

8 4.Social Darwinism

9  4.The application of Charles Darwin's ideas about evolution and “survival of the fittest”to human societies- particularly as justification for imperialist expansion.

10 5.Evolution

11  5.A gradual process in which something changed into a different and usually more complex or better form.

12 6.Fittest

13  6.Most suited to conditions and more likely to stay alive.

14 7.Enable

15  7.To make possible.

16 8.Berlin Conference of 1884

17  8.A meeting at which repress negatives of European nations agreed upon rules for the European colonization of Africa.

18 9.Claim

19  9.Demand as being one’s property.

20 10.Cash Crops

21  10.A readily salable crop that is grown and gathered of the market.

22 11.Shake

23  11.Cull Chief who created a large centralized state against British invaders.

24 12.Boers

25  12.Dutch colonies in south Africa.

26 13.Great Trek

27  13.A migration of Dutch colonist out of British controlled territory in South Africa during the 1830’s.

28 14.Boer War

29  14.A conflict, lasting from 1899 to 1902, in which the British fought for control of south Africa.

30 15.Colony

31  15.A land controlled by a distant nation.

32 16.Protectorate

33  16.A state or territory partly controlled by ( but not a possession of ) a stronger state but autonomous in internal affairs.

34 17.Sphere of influence

35  17.A foreign region in which a nation has control over trade and other economic activities.

36 18.Economic Imperialism

37  18.Foreign business companies continue to exploit the resources of less development nations.

38 19.Indirect Rule

39  19.Colonial policy in which the traditional local power structure, or at least part of it, is incorporated into the colonial administrative structures.

40 20.Paternalism

41  20.A policy of treating subject people as if they were children,providing for their needs but not giving them rights.

42 21.Paternalism

43  21.Who work in organization,especially governmental organization.who work in organizations, especially governmental organization.

44 22.Assimilation

45  22.The social process of absorbing one culture group into harmony with another.

46 23.Policy of Association

47  23.Colonial powers recognized local institutions and culture but regarded them us inferiors.

48 24.Menelik II

49  24.Emperor of Ethiopia who successfully defeated the Italians and maintained his nation’s independence.

50 25.Contempt

51  25.A willful disobedience to or disrespect for the authority.

52 26.Kinship

53  26.Connection by blood or marriage or adoption.

54 27.Factions

55  27.Groups within a large group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group.

56 28.Geopolitics

57  28.A foreign policy based on a consideration of the strategic location or product of other lands.

58 29.Land locked

59  29.Surrounded entirely or almost entirely by land

60 30.Suez Canal

61  30.A manmade waterway connecting the Red sea and Mediterranean sea which was opened in 1869.

62 31.Crimean War

63  31.A conflict lasting for 1855 to 1856, in which the ottoman Empire,with the aid of Britain and France, halted Russian at poison in the region the Black Sea.

64 32.Buffer

65  32.Somebody or something that reduces shock or impact or protects against other harm.

66 33.Concessions

67  33.A contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business.

68 34.British East India Company

69  A seventeenth- century joint-stock company founded to trade with India to Britain's advantageseventeenth centuryjoint-stock company tradeIndia Britainadvantage

70 35.Sepals

71  35.An Indian soldier serving under British command.

72 36.Jewel in the crown

73  36.Referring to India as England’s most profitable company.

74 37.Self Sufficiency

75  Able to satisfy one’s basic needs without help.

76 38.Garrison

77  A fortified military post were troops are stationed.

78 39.Sepoy Mutiny

79  On 1857 rebellion of India and Muslim soldiers against the British in India.

80 40.Raj

81  The British controlled portions and India in the year 1757- 1947.

82 41.Viceroy

83  Governor of a country who rules as the representative of his or her king.

84 42.Pacific Rim

85  The countries and landmasses surrounding the pacific Ocean, often considered as a socioeconomic region.

86 43.King Mongkut

87  Ruler of Thailand was able to keep out colonial control.

88 44.Emilio Aguinaldo

89 .Filipino nationalist who fought for independence, first from Spain,then from the U.S.

90 45.Annexation

91  The adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit.

92 46.Queen Liliuokalanl

93  Ruler who tried to restore the political power of Hawaiians.

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