Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu:CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528.

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Presentation on theme: "Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu:CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528."— Presentation transcript:

1 Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu:CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0528 Název projektu:ICT ve výuce Číslo a název šablony klíčové aktivity:III/2 - Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název ověřovaného materiálu: Digitální učební materiál pro výuku anglického jazyka VY_32_INOVACE_JAA_213 Ročník:3. Vzdělávací obor:65 – 42 – M/01 Hotelnictví Předmět:Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast:Gramatika Téma:Verbal Structures Jméno autora:Ing. Zdeněk Brabec Vytvořeno dne:13.10.2012 Metodický popis, (anotace) Výukový materiál slouží k seznámení, procvičování, upevnění znalostí specifického gramatického jevu a komunikativní dovednosti specifické slovní zásoby a frazeologie, doplněný o přiložené pracovní listy, které žáci vypracovávají v hodině po shlédnutí prezentace.

2 Verbal Structures V + V-ing V + to V V + sb + to V V + V

3 Verbal Structures As you know, verbs in English, if they are used after specific verbs such as – can, require a certain form: I can do it.I‘d like to go. NOT: I can doing it.NOT: I‘d like going. OR: I can to do it.OR: I‘d like go. As you see, with some verbs, you must learn by heart how they join another verbs.

4 Verb + to +Verb The below stated verbs usually require the INFINITIVE with TO with the verb that follows them: WANT I want to go out tonight. HOPEI hope to see her there. NEEDWe need to get there before 6 pm. PLANShe planned to stay overnight. EXPECTThey expected to get the good results. PROMISEShe promised to be back as soon as possible. DECIDEThey decided to gat married in July. OFFERHe offered to fix the bike. REFUSEThey refused to help them again. TRYShe tried to open the blocked door. FORGETShe forgot to do her homework. LEARNHe learnt to swim at the age of 6. ( + would like, would love, deserve, agree, manage, afford, threaten, arrange, fail, seem, appear, tend, pretend, claim, …)

5 Verb + SB + to + Verb The below stated verbs are often used in the above stated structure: WANT I want you to do it as soon as possible. TELLThey told us not to stay there for too long. ADVISEThe booking officer advised us to buy a family ticket. EXPECTThey expected us to be here. PERSUADEThe government persuaded the people to pay higher taxes. TEACHMy father taught me to swim. WOULD LIKEI‘d like you net to interfere the matter. WARN They warned us not to stay out overnight. HELPHe helped her to sort out her problems. MEANMy parents meant me to become a doctor. INVITEHe invited us to come to her goodbye party. ( + force, would prefer, remind, encourage, invite, enable, order, …)

6 Verb + Verb + ing The below stated verbs are often used in the above stated structure: ENJOYI want you to do it as soon as possible. MINDThey told us not to stay there for too long. FINISHShe finished doing her homework and went to bed. STOPIt stopped raining a couple of hours ago. SUGGESTThey suggested renting a car. NEEDIt needs repairing. The following verbs can use both structures: V + V-ing or V + to + V LIKEI like reading.I like to read. LOVEShe loves driving.She loves to drive. STARTIt started snowing.It started to snow. HATEShe hated being with him.She hated to be with him alone. PREFERI prefer going by car.I prefer to go by ar.I BEGINIt began raining.It began to rain. CONTINUEShe continued reading.She continued to read.

7 Verb + Verb The below stated verbs – modals or auxiliary verbs - are used in the above stated structure: CAN / COULDI can‘t come, sorry. MAY / MIGHTShe might study at university. MUSTYou must keep your promises. WILL / SHALLI will be there. WOULDI would go if I could manage. SHOULDYou should stop smoking. The following verbs MAKE and LET use the structure : V + sb + V MAKEThey made him give up his office. LETLet me introduce myself.

8 NOTE: I stopped smoking. – I do not smoke any more. I stopped to have cigarette. – I had a break in order to smoke. I remember seeing him there. --- I can recall the memory. Remember me to phone them again. --- Please, tell me if I do not do it. She tried to open the blocked door. --- It was really difficult or almost impossible for her. She tried phoning the first name on the list. --- She just wanted to know who it was.

9 WORKSHEET Fill in the appropriate form of the verb in brackets. I want ………… (be) with you. She hopes …… (meet) him at the party. I need ……….. (buy) some new clothes. We are planning ………… (reach) the meeting point in advance. She ……………… (enjoy) skiing. We hate ……….. (wait) outside in the rain. Let me ……….. (tell) you a few words. She decide ……… (change) her job. They expected ……….. (be) offered a higher salary. I can‘t …… (open) this file. They promised ……… (not be) late. They offered me …… (get) promoted to an area manager. The arrested man refused ….. (collaborate) with the police. She tried …..…. (start) up the broken car. He tried ……. (press) the red button. I forgot ……. (do ) my homework. He taught his son ….. (swim) at the age of 4. She made him ……. (fix) the dripping tap. You must ……. (change) your attitude. Remember me ……. (buy) a present for my wife. I remember ….. (say) something. I love …………… (stay) alone in the mountains. She‘d like ……. (go) now.

10 WORKSHEET I want to be with you. She hopes to meet him at the party. I need to buy some new clothes. We are planning to reach the meeting point in advance. She enjoys skiing. We hate waiting outside in the rain. Let me tell you a few words. She decide to change her job. They expected to be offered a higher salary. I can‘t open this file. They promised not to be late. They offered me to get promoted to an area manager. The arrested man refused to collaborate with the police. She tried to start up the broken car. He tried pressing the red button. I forgot to do my homework. He taught his son to swim at the age of 4. She made him fix the dripping tap. You must change your attitude. Remember me to buy a present for my wife. I remember saying something. I love staying / to stay alone in the mountains. She‘d like to go now.

11 REFERENCES AND SOURCES OF MATERIAL: Sources: Photo: Author References: MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, ISBN 05215377622. THOMSON, A.J.; MARTINET, A.V.. A Practical English grammar - fourth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0 – 19- 431348 – 4. PROCTER, Paul E. a kol. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. England: Longman Group UK Limited, 1992, ISBN 0582842239. SPENCER, David. Gateway B1+. England: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011, ISBN 978-0-230-41763-2. SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook - the third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-19-438754-5. SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN 0-19-470225-1. 11

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