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Mr Gordana Zalad INFINITIVES TO + BASE FORM. TENSES OF THE INFINITIVE: Present Present Continuous ACTIVE To offer To be offering PASSIVE To be offered.

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2 TENSES OF THE INFINITIVE: Present Present Continuous ACTIVE To offer To be offering PASSIVE To be offered ___________ To have offered To have been offering Perfect To have been offered Perfect Continuous ___________

3 The infinitive (to + base form) is used after certain verbs: happen afford agree appear arrange begin* continue* decide expect fail forget hate*=not stand*=not bear*pretend hope intend* learn(how) like* promise refuse remember* seem love* manage mean=intend ofer pay plan start* stop* threaten* try* want would like

4 VERB + INFINITIVE I want to be home early tonight. We expected to see our friends. I would like to come as well. VERB + OBJECT + INFINITIVE I wanted Mark to help me. We expected them to be there. I would like him to come as well.

5 After the following verbs we MUST have an object before the infinitive. advise allow convince enable forceremind get(=persuade)require invite order teach(how) tell encourage forbid permit persuade warn

6 After the verbs SEEM, APEAR and PRETEND we can use to be verb + ing (the continuous infinitive) or to have + past participle (the perfect infinitive) She pretended to be reading. (=she pretended that she was reading.) He seemed to have disappeared. (=It seemed that he had disappeared.)

7 The negative: we put NOT immediately before the INFINITIVE: I warned her NOT to make a noise. We were told NOT to drive fast. Mary told me NOT to forget to buy some bread. He advised me NOT to drink so much. We were told NOT to move from there.

8 NEED 1. need + infinitive = ‘’it is necessary to’’ You need to do more exercise. Do we need to finish the project by next week? You don’t need to rush. 2. need + gerund = ‘’need to be done’’ The carpet has a hole in it. It needs mending. Your hair is too long. It needs cutting. 3. As a modal needn’t + base form You needn’t rush.(=you don’t have to rush) You needn’t have come early.(=you didn’t have to come early)

9 NOTE: After suggest we use a gerund or a that … construction. I suggest going now. I suggest that you go now.


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