The Destruction of the Old Regime A.First act of the National Assembly and the Citizen. The declaration provided equal rights to all men and an end to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Destruction of the Old Regime A.First act of the National Assembly and the Citizen. The declaration provided equal rights to all men and an end to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Destruction of the Old Regime A.First act of the National Assembly and the Citizen. The declaration provided equal rights to all men and an end to exemptions from taxation.

2 B.Louis XVI was forced to accept the declaration. The National Assembly took control of the church lands. Bishops and priest were elected by the people. The French Government was now in control of the Catholic Church.

3 SECTION 2 The French Revolution Constitution of 1791 Limited the power of the King Divided the gov’t into three branches (sound familiar?) Tax-paying males elected members to a Legislative Assembly Louis XVI agreed.... But secretly plotted to regain his throne. Who do you think would want to help him?

4 SECTION 2 The French Revolution Louis attempts to flee France. He and his family are caught, arrested and returned to Paris.

5 SECTION 2 The French Revolution The Legislative Assembly -attempted to create a constitutional monarchy -was not a sound gov’t -would last less than a year

6 SECTION 2 The French Revolution RADICALS CONSERVATIVES Get rid of KING, set up a REPUBLIC Revolution had gone far enough, wanted gov’t with a king but LIMIT his authority right left

7 SECTION 2 The French Revolution Threat of Foreign Invasion! April 1792

8 SECTION 2 The French Revolution French forces do poorly against the Austrian and Prussian armies.

9 SECTION 2 The French Revolution Hotel de Ville Radicals seize control of the Commune, Paris’s city gov’t

10 SECTION 2 The French Revolution Prussians threaten Paris IF the Royal Family Is harmed. The Commune demands the monarchy be abolished and accuse the King of plotting with foreign powers.

11 SECTION 2 The French Revolution No king – No constitutional monarchy – WE NEED ANOTHER NEW GOVERNMENT! August 1792 – suspend the office of king and imprison the royal family

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