CGS2060 1 st Week Attendance Course Director: Dr. David A. Gaitros Research Associate MCH 103.

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1 CGS2060 1 st Week Attendance Course Director: Dr. David A. Gaitros Research Associate MCH 103

2 Course Design 3 Credit Hour 3 Hand in Assignments 2 Exams ( must be taken on campus) All lecture materials are on-line Lecture attendance required in HCB 101 Lab sections (classes scheduled for MCH 302 or MCH 304) Meet first week only. Attendance at lectures are required.

3 Text books  Textbook (Hard Copy or E-Book) : "Succeeding with Technology, 4th Edition", Baldauf/Stair, Course Technology Publishing: ISBN: 0538745789 (for hardcopy of text) ISBN: 1111366446 (for e-book pincard)  The 4 th Edition of the E-Book can also be purchased directly at this web site: 1/en/US/storefront/US?cmd=cat ProductDetail&ISBN=978-0-538- 74578-9 1/en/US/storefront/US?cmd=cat ProductDetail&ISBN=978-0-538- 74578-9  For this term, you may use the 3 rd edition of this book as long as it is available.

4 Things to do:  Go to and the Blackboard site for this course.  Go to Exams and Surveys and take the 1 st Day Attendance survey before midnight Wednesday August 25 th.  Must take this to avoid being dropped from the class.  Go to Exams and Surveys and take the Syllabus Quiz before midnight Friday September 5 th.  Worth 50 points.. You can take it twice.  Read over steps to submit assignments  Start working on Assignment #1, MS Word Research Paper Due September 10 th.

5 Things to remember  This is the only time you will meet in this class. These rooms will be used for Help Sessions 9:15 – 5:00 Monday through Friday.  Deadlines for quizzes, exams, and homework are firm.  You can experience problems with Blackboard  Submit assignments early (at least one day).  Make sure hit the SUBMIT button  ALWAYS check your assignment to make sure it was submitted properly.  Check your grades often

6 Syllabus  At least 12 hours prior to the submission deadline of an assignment you can have the attempt cleared so you can resubmit.  Create an email to  Subject: Clear Assignment for yourname.  In the body of the email put the following  Please clear the Assignment # for yourname  FSUID: Your FSU email id.  Course: CGS 2060 or 2100  Section number:  You are responsible for making sure your assignments have been submitted properly.  Assignments not submitted properly or found to be corrupt that need to be resubmitted will receive late points. No exceptions.

7 Syllabus  Assignments are only accepted through the Assignment portal  Assignments cannot be accepted via email, CD, USB Drive, hardcopy etc.  Tests are taken at the University Center C. You must sign up through the Test Reservation System  The full syllabus brief will be presented in the first lecture of this class.

8 Any Questions?

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