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CSc 2310 Principles of Programming (Java)

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1 CSc 2310 Principles of Programming (Java)
Dr. Xiaolin Hu

2 Make sure you are in the right class
Check the CRN of your registration

3 Syllabus Instructor: Xiaolin Hu ( Textbooks
Prerequisites: CSc2010 The course includes lectures, lab sessions, programming assignments (homework), and written exams. Pop quizzes may also be given.

4 TAs Introduce the three TAs

5 Class webpage
Homework Submission: Desire2Learn’s Dropbox function Be familiar with it (make sure the submission is successful when submitting your homework).

6 Course Description This course introduces the fundamental principles of computer programming using Java. We will pick up from where the CSc 2010 class finished (last semester). The main focus will be on the Java programming part.

7 Course Materials Online Materials: (including lecture notes)
Textbook: CSc 2310: Principles of Computer Programming, Custom Edition for Georgia State University (ISBN: ) Online Materials: (including lecture notes) Other Recommended References: see website

8 What has been learned in CSC2010
Chapter 1: basics Chapter 2: data types and for loop Chapter 3:parameters and objects, grapics Chapter 4: Condition Chapter 5: Logic and while loop Chapter 6: File Chapter 7: Array

9 Grading Test 1 – 20% Test 2 – 20% Final exam – 25% Assignments – 35%.
The final letter grade will be determined based on the following criteria: A - 90 and above B - 80 thru 89 C - 70 thru 79 D - 60 thru 69 F - less than 60

10 Programming Assignments
The assignments due date will be specified by the instructor. In general, failure to submit your assignment on time will result in a grade reduction according to the following schedule. The percentage grade reduction will be calculated using the highest possible grade for that assignment. One day late, 10% reduction in grade; Two days late, 30% reduction in grade; More than two days late 100%, zero for the assignment Many of the Java programming assignments will include two parts: the first part needs to be completed and submitted by the end of the lab session; the second part is the take-home assignment. For the lab session part, failure to submit your assignment on time will result in a grade reduction according to the following schedule. By midnight of the lab session day, 20% reduction in grade; By midnight of the following day, 30% reduction in grade; Otherwise, zero for the lab session part of the assignment.

11 Programming Assignments
Turn in the source code file only, i.e., the java file. The java file name should be exactly the same as stated in the homework requirements. We will compile your java file and then run the class file to see your results. For example, if you are asked to turn in a file, you should submit this file only. Make sure the file name is and make sure you can compile it by typing “javac” in command line because this is how we will grade your homework.

12 General Grading Rules Assuming the full score of a problem is 3 points
The java code is unrelated – 0 point Cannot compile the java file (due to reasons such as incorrect java code, incorrect file name, adding unnecessary package and/or folder structures…) – 0 point Can compile, cannot execute (e.g., exceptions) or the result is totally wrong - 1 point Can compile, can execute, result is incorrect but meaningful – 2 points Can compile, can execute, correct result – 3 points

13 Lab Sessions Adding the lab session is one of the major changes from how CSC2310 was previously taught. The lab session has shown be to effective for students’ learning. Make sure you go to the right lab session (check your CRN). Bring your own Laptop (if you have one) to the lab session. The purpose of the lab session assignment is to obtain hands-on experience in programming. Although you need to submit your program at the end of the lab session, a lab session is not a quiz or a test. You may ask questions and even help from the TA. But the TA cannot and will not write the code for you. Also, keep in mind that the time is limited. More details about the lab sessions will be given as we move on.

14 Different Levels of Learning
Students have different levels of programming skills. The pace of this class will be based on the progress of the majority students in the class.

15 Class Policies Policy on academic honesty
Homework Exams No make up test or assignments will be given Attendance Drop within the first week; last date for withdrawal Other issues – cell phone, laptop/tablet during lecture, walk in/out of classroom 40 38

16 How to Do Well in This Course ?
Participation: discuss & answer and ask questions Hands on for in-class exercises Practice, practice, ……, and practice, … Start early on assignments Make use of the book, TA, tutor, and online resources Provide feedback: I’ll take them seriously There is no stupid questions in the class. SEE IT, BELIEVE IT, DO IT Well, most if this is my responsibility However, part of it is yours. One reason is that what I think interesting might not be interesting to you at all Make the most out of your attending the class The questions you have might very well be in the exams Give suggestions on how to make a particular aspect of the course more interesting Instead of complaining about a boring course, why don’t we think actively and try to make it less boring It’s a huge waste of your and my time if many of you think that something is boring Some of the exam questions shall be from the assigned readings Don’t ask me “how to solve question X” the night before the assignment is due

17 Questions

18 Registration Issues Switching CRNs Waiting List
Wednesday 9am lab to Wednesday 3pm lab Waiting List

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