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Medical Law and Bioethics

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Law and Bioethics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Law and Bioethics
Unit 1


3 Kaplan School Week Kaplan’s school week runs from Wednesday to Tuesday
You will begin a new unit on Wednesday each week Assignments must be completed and submitted by Tuesday

4 SYLLABUS Tonight we will take a close look at the syllabus
Have you found it?

5 Syllabus Found under syllabus on Course Home Page and in Doc Sharing
Read carefully Includes a grading rubrics for: Discussion Seminar Projects Quizzes

6 Syllabus

7 AIM AIM name This how you talk to me in real time
Slhoveyrn This how you talk to me in real time You will always find me on AIM during office hours

8 Office Hours Thursday evenings
7:00- 8:00 PM ET You are welcome to contact me anytime you see me online

9 Weekly Assignments Reading Discussion Seminar Quizzes Projects


11 Check these out

12 Discussion Grading Criteria Initial post early in week
Posted throughout the week Responded to at least 2 classmates posts per question Responded to SOME of the Instructor’s posts

13 Access discussion


15 Respond to a classmates post

16 Discussion I will send an outlining my discussion board expectations Important to check your post by reading it aloud and running spell check before hitting POST Ensure that your post makes sense to your reader

17 Discussion TIP Some students find it easier to write their posts in Microsoft Word, then copy and paste it into the discussion board Allows you to give your post more thought and time for editing without being online

18 Quizzes Complete a quiz in Units 2 and 6 Can only enter the quiz once
2 hours to complete You will always be able to see the time remaining in the Quiz at the top right of the page

19 Quizzes Make sure you click the "Save Answers" button before advancing to the next page (we also suggest clicking on save answers while you are working) Complete all of the pages before submitting your Quiz for instructor review

20 Quizzes When you are finished with the Quiz, click on the "Submit for Grade" button Please note: Once you click the "Submit for Grade" button, you will NOT be able to edit or change any of your answers


22 Projects Projects due in Units 4, 8, 9
Must be submitted in Microsoft WORD Papers cannot be accepted in Microsoft WORKS or WordPerfect

23 Access Projects

24 Audio so have speakers on

25 Case scenarios have audio with pictures
Once a slide is complete push continue


27 Note that projects are submitted in the dropbox
Type answers beneath the question

28 Place to submit assignments


30 Grading Criteria for Projects
Quality of Information Supporting Detail Case Analysis Good Writing Mechanics Complete sentences Free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

31 Seminar 2 Options Option 1 consists of logging into a synchronous discussion on your assigned day and time Graded within 48 hours of seminar

32 Seminar Times Thursday 8:00 PM ET (2) Thursday 10:30 PM ET
Thursday 10:00 AM ET Monday 7:00 PM ET

33 Seminar Option 2 involves answering the questions posted under the tab Seminar 1 or 2 questions Posts must be 100 words in length for each question Involves reading the log from that week’s seminar discussion Submitted to the Dropbox


35 Scroll bar- move this up and down to scroll through the text

36 Discussion Projects, and Option 2 Seminar
Graded by Sunday following their TUESDAY due date

37 Late Assignments NOT Accepted
Only accepted when there are extenuating circumstances Must be notified in advance of the assignment due date May need to provide proof of circumstance

38 Late Assignments Extenuating Circumstances = Excused
“The term ‘extenuating circumstances’ is used to describe those things which cause exceptional interference with academic performance, and which are over and above the normal difficulties experienced in life.”

39 Late Assignments Circumstances NOT acceptable:
Computer difficulties- have a back up plan Work commitments- plan ahead

40 Late Assignments A new due date will be set for late assignments when approval for late submission has been granted

41 Plagiarism Using another person’s words, ideas, or results without giving proper credit to that person; giving the impression that it is the student’s own work. Master Syllabus p. 11 Theft of someone else’s ideas and work NOT TOLERATED

42 Questions No question is a dumb question Answered within 24 hours

43 Conclusion Welcome to Class This class is fun and interactive
I look forward to getting to know you over the next 10 weeks Yeah, that’s me!!

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