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Welcome to MAT 170. Basic Course Information Instructor Office Office Hours Beth Jones PSA 725 Wednesday and Friday 10:40 am – 11:30 am and by appointment.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to MAT 170. Basic Course Information Instructor Office Office Hours Beth Jones PSA 725 Wednesday and Friday 10:40 am – 11:30 am and by appointment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to MAT 170

2 Basic Course Information Instructor Office Office Hours Beth Jones PSA 725 Wednesday and Friday 10:40 am – 11:30 am and by appointment Instructor and Office Hours

3 Basic Course Information Email Web Page Web Information

4 Basic Course Information Deadlines Course Withdrawal Deadline – November 2 Complete Withdrawal Deadline – December 6 Deadlines

5 Basic Course Information Calculator Graphing Calculator Required no calculators with computer algebra systems Calculator

6 Basic Course Information Grade Scale Grade Breakdown Midterm Exams – 50% Final Exam – 20% Homework, etc – 25% Pre-final Cumulative Evaluation – 5% There will be no +/- grading A90 to 100% B80 to 89.9% C70 to 79.9% D60 to 69.9% Ebelow 60% Grading

7 Basic Course Information Midterm Exams Final Date and Time Exam 1: Thursday, September 15 Exam 2: Thursday, October 13 Exam 3: Thursday, November 17 These exams are taken in the Math Testing Center (PSA 21) Thursday, December 8 from 7:10 pm to 9 pm Room to be announced Exams and Final

8 Basic Course Information All precalculus students must take the Pre-Calculus Assessment (PCA) as part of a study for the National Science Foundation, and this needs to be done as pre- and post-test (i.e. early in the semester and again towards the end) to assess student gains. Students MUST complete the exam both pre- and post or their course grade will be lowered by one letter grade. The pre-test will count as 1 homework assignment grade for making an attempt to work each problem. The pre-test will be given August 22-25 in the Testing Center (PSA 21). The post-test, or “Pre-final Cumulative Evaluation” counts as 5% of your course grade. The post-test or “Pre-final Cumulative Evaluation” will be given November 28- Dec. 1 in the Testing Center (PSA 21). YOU MAY NOT USE CALCULATORS ON THE PRE-TEST OR POST- TEST. Pre-Test and Post-Test

9 Basic Course Information Attendance Policy For Fall and Spring semesters: For classes that meet three days a week (MWF, for example), the maximum number of allowed absences is six (6). Students who exceed the number of allowed absences will receive a grade of EN. Attendance Policy

10 Basic Course Information Book and Homework PreCalculus Essentials, 3rd Edition for ASU by Blitzer - optional in hard copy MyMathLab – – packaged with text or can purchase online Book and Homework

11 Basic Course Information Homework Homework Assignments: All homework assignments are submitted on-line using a program called MyMathLab. This can be accessed directly through the website All homework assignments must be submitted by 8 pm on the due date given in the topic calendar or as indicated in class. Although MyMathLab only requires answers, it is highly recommended that you write out complete algebraic solutions to each MyMathLab problem.topic calendar

12 Basic Course Information Homework Homework Makeup Policy: Homework assignments are due by the date and time listed in the topic schedule. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED for any personal excuses or personal computer problems. Makeups for any assignment are given at the discretion of the instructor and only in the case of verified medical or other appropriate documented emergencies. Notify your instructor before the deadline time/date of the assignment. The instructor is not required to accommodate you.

13 Basic Course Information Homework Campus Network or MML Outage: When access to MML or ASU log in is not available for an extended period of time (greater than 5 hours) you can reasonably expect that the due date for assignments will be changed to the next day (assignment still due by 8 pm).

14 Basic Course Information Time Studying and Preparation Time: The course requires you to spend time preparing and completing assignments. A three-credit course requires a minimum of 135 hours of student work. Therefore expect to spend a minimum of approximately 9 hours a week preparing for and actively participating in this course.

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