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CPR/first Aid By Medic First Aid CPR/first Aid Cards Are Good for Two Years.

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2 CPR/first Aid By Medic First Aid CPR/first Aid Cards Are Good for Two Years

3 Vocabulary CPR AED EMS Good Samaritan Law OSHA Paralysis ABC’s Initial assessment Physical assessment DOTS SAMPLE Cardiac arrest Shock Airway obstruction

4 Initial Assessment A irway: –Tilt head and lift chin to clear the tongue. –If you suspect a neck injury, tilt the head only if needed to get airway clear –Inspect mouth for fluids or solid material B reathing: –Look for chest to rise and fall –Listen for sounds of breathing –Feel for flow of exhaled air on your cheek –If no breathing give two rescue breaths C irculation: –Check for signs of circulation: patient movement, coughing,

5 S E T U P S= stop –Take a moment to assess the situation E= environment –Check the scene to see if it is safe for you T= traffic –Look for hazards as in traffic around you U= unknown hazards –Examine all areas for unknown hazards be cautious P= protect yourself –Wear gloves or some kind of barrier

6 Using Barriers Putting on gloves: –I–Inspect gloves for damage Removing of gloves –R–Remove carefully so not to splash/spray material. –G–Grab outside wrist of one glove with the other hand –P–Pull off glove and turn inside out –P–Put inverted glove on the other hand and slide finger under the glove and pull off. Do not snap the glove. Face shields. Ventilation masks and shields

7 CPR 1. Check the scene 2. Tap and shout 3. Call EMS and get the AED 4. Open airway- forehead chin tilt 5. Look, listen, feel for breathing 6. Two full breaths 7. 30 compressions 8. 2 full breaths 9. Continue until: –Help arrives, patient starts breathing, You become too tired to continue, scene becomes unsafe, or the AED arrives.

8 You are never too young to save a life.

9 Automated External Defibrillator (AED) 1. Setup 2. Assess Responsiveness (Tap and shout) 3. Activate EMS and get AED 4. ABC 5. No breathing or signs of circulation perform CPR 6. AED arrives 7. Bare, prepare, and place pads 8. Begin analysis of heart rhythm 9. Clear patient 10. Deliver shock

10 Other Considerations for AED –Environment –Implanted medical devises –Medication patches –Children –Emergency Oxygen

11 Choking Unconscious Blocked airway After two full breaths and airway is obstructed- re- tilt head and try again if airway is still blocked do 5 abdominal thrusts finger sweep one breath until airway is open

12 Choking

13 Choking- Responsive 1. Give medical statement 2. Ask them are you choking and can I help? 3. Give 5 abdominal thrusts –Make a fist and put thumb side down just above the naval 4. Continue until airway is open

14 Bleeding Put on barriers. Apply direct pressure. Elevate above heart. Do not remove bandages- even if they become soaked. Pressure points if bleeding doesn’t slow. Dispose of waste in biohazard bag or container.

15 Shock Signs/symptomsSigns/symptoms Become uneasy, restless, or worried Pale blue gray tissue color Moist, cool, and clammy skin Shallow, rapid breathing Rapid pulse Thirst Confusion Nausea, vomiting TreatmentTreatment Maintain body temperature Elevate legs only if you don’t suspect neck/spine injury Keep them calm Monitor vitals

16 Head Injuries Signs/symptomsSigns/symptoms 1. Headache 2. Nausea 3. Dizzy 4. Blurred vision 5. Unconscious 6. Not all there 7. Emotional state changed 8. Unequal pupils Treatment.Treatment. 1. Monitor signs and symptoms. 2. Call parents. 3. Notify EMS if signs/symptoms get worse

17 Neck and Spine Injuries Unconscious victim always suspect neck injury Signs and symptoms of serious neck or spine injury Numbness or tingling Loss of function Point tender over spine Treatment stabilize head and neck call EMS monitor vitals Treat for shock

18 Abdominal Injury Signs/symptoms Swelling Discoloration Board like feeling Shock Mechanism of injury Treatment Treat for shock Call EMS Monitor vitals

19 Heat Illness Heat exhaustion Sweating Pale color moist clammy skin Rapid shallow breathing Weakness Dizzy Headache Treatment Get to cool location Remove restrictive clothing Give fluids if they can drink Monitor vitals very closely

20 Heat Illness Cont. Heat stroke Tissue color is red Hot dry skin Rapid pulse Loss of consciousness Disoriented and confused Treatment Cool immediately Activate EMS Monitor vitals

21 Allergic Reaction Signs/symptomsSigns/symptoms 1. Skin flushed-hives 2. Shock 3. Breathing difficulty 4. Lower levels of responsiveness 5. Swelling eyes, face, tongue, throat 6. Respiratory arrest 7. Itching, burning 8.Nausea 9. Dizzy TreatmentTreatment 1. Activate EMS 2. Check for bee sting kit or Benadryl 3. Treat for shock

22 Asthma Signs/symptomsSigns/symptoms 1. Labored breathing 2. Wheezing sound when exhaling 3. High pitched cough 4. Weakness TreatmentTreatment 1. Assist with medication 2. Activate EMS if not getting better or no history of asthma 3. Calm them down Get into a warm moist room 4. Monitor vitals

23 Diabetic Diabetic comaDiabetic coma 1. Thirst 2. Frequent urination 3. Warm dry skin 4. Sweet odor on breath 5. Confused, irritable Insulin shockInsulin shock 1. Aggressive behavior 2. Disoriented 3. Pale tissue color 4. Moist clammy skin 5. Dizzy, headache Give sugar not insulin. If they don’t respond to treatment activate EMS

24 Epileptic Seizures Signs/symptomsSigns/symptoms 1. May suddenly stiffen and fall 2. Jerking movements 3. Jaw muscles tighten 4. Patient may stop breathing 5. May lose control of bladder 6. Become very tired afterward TreatmentTreatment 1. Allow to rest 2. Keep people away 3. Activate EMS if A. Person is injured B. Has no history of seizures C. Does not resume breathing after seizures D. Has continuous seizures E. Seizures last more than ten min in a known seizure patient

25 Splinting 3 rules of splinting: 1. Splint as is 2. Fingers and toes showing for circulation 3. Splint one joint above and one joint below to stabilize the injured area

26 Heart Problems Signs/ symptomsSigns/ symptoms –Heart attack 1. Pale, blue tissue 2. Sweating 3. Denial 4. Pain not relieved by rest 5. Uncomfortable pressure 6. Pain radiates to shoulder, neck, jaw, or arms TreatmentTreatment 1. Activate EMS 2. Make them comfortable 3. Monitor vitals

27 Emergency Cards Everyone needs one on file with the coach or athletic trainer They must travel with the athletes They are given to EMS for contact numbers and medical warnings Hospital preference

28 Documentation Injury documentation must be done. –Date and time of injury –First aid given –Who was notified of the injury –Location of the injury Treatment documentation: –Date –What was done and progress of injury status

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