2.2 Reviewing the Elements of a Story A short story is a form of a narrative, which include made- up stories, fiction, as well as real-life stories – non-fiction.

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Presentation on theme: "2.2 Reviewing the Elements of a Story A short story is a form of a narrative, which include made- up stories, fiction, as well as real-life stories – non-fiction."— Presentation transcript:

1 2.2 Reviewing the Elements of a Story A short story is a form of a narrative, which include made- up stories, fiction, as well as real-life stories – non-fiction. A short story is a work of fiction, and this genre includes certain literary elements. At your table group, look up the term on the card that you’ve been given. Write the definition on the notecard legibly. Report out to the class. (Class - write the definitions in your spiral as each group presents). Post your term on the plot diagram in the appropriate place for your term. HW: Look up the remaining or additional elements of a short story on page 90 of your text. Write these elements and definitions in your spiral. Also complete the “Planning a Story” activity in your spiral. I will stamp your HW tomorrow!

2 EA 1: Writing a Short Story (Creative Writing) Complete short story that develops: – Plot- conflict, rising action, climax and resolution. – Characters- at least one character fully developed and complex. – Setting- described – POV – consistent and purposeful. – Literary elements/devices used: irony and at least 2 others. – There is a “theme” within your story.

3 2.2 Short Story & Literary Elements * add to your definitions where needed AND add additional literary elements Imagery: verbal expression of sensory experience; imagery is created by details that appeal to to one or more of the five senses. Figurative Language: images such as metaphors and similes that describe one thing in terms of another; not meant to be taken literally. Symbol: any object, animal, event, person, or place that represents itself but also stands for something else on a figurative level.

4 Literary Elements: Related to humor Satire: a general category of humor which presents a subject with a critical attitude using wit in order to try to improve mankind by making fun of vice or weakness. The goal is typically to point out the hypocrisy of his/her target. Parody: a satiric imitation of a work or author with the intent to ridicule the author, the ideas, or work (Spoofs).

5 Literary Elements: Word play Euphemism: the substitution of a mild or less negative word or phrase for a harsh or blunt one. “Pass away” instead of “die.” Innuendo: a strongly implied, parallel meaning to a word or phrase: a double meaning. IE: make someone an “offer he can’t refuse.” Idiom: specific, recurrent, and widely-understood phrase in a language that metaphorically articulates a concrete idea. IE: “kick the bucket” “a piece of cake.” Pun: an explicitly humorous play on words whose sounds are explicitly meant to resemble other words (to treat a homonym as a synonym).

6 Miscellaneous Literary Elements Colloquial: Ordinary language, slang or vernacular common to a location/culture: “sub” for sandwich (where in other areas it’s called a hero, hoagie). Jargon: Specialized or technical language of an established trade or discipline. IE: “rushing the quarterback” “uploading a virus” Cliché: An overused phrase that has lost the force of its meaning and power. The use of cliché often indicates an insecure or uncreative writing. “Love conquers all.” Allusion: a reference to a well-known person, event, or place from history, music, art, or another literary work.

7 Isn’t it Ironic? Irony: Expression through words or events conveying a reality radically different (usually opposite) to literal meaning, appearance or expectation. – Verbal irony: speaker’s meaning is different from/opposed to what she/he is actually saying. IE: “Could there be anything more important in choosing a college than its proximity to the beach?” Sarcasm: a narrow form of verbal irony expressing sneering or personal disapproval in the guise of praise. – Situational Irony: An occasion in which the outcome is significantly different from what was expected or considered appropriate: a professional pickpocket has his own pocket picked just as he was in the act of picking someone’s pocket. It’s not just bad luck, or coincidence. – Dramatic Irony: the audience has knowledge which is denied to the character that often gives ominous or foreshadowing meaning to a character’s words or actions. IE: King Oedipus, who has unknowingly killed his father, says that he will banish his father’s killer when he finds him.

8 Irony in literature Irony: in many cases, when irony is used in literature, it exploits readers’ expectations when expected occurrences are different from what actually happens- closely related to situational irony. In other cases, it’s used to add meaning to a character’s actions/dialogue (dramatic irony).

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