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Mr. LePera A&P.  Specialized cellular components found in cytosol (cytoplasm) are called _________.  Hint: mini-organs.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. LePera A&P.  Specialized cellular components found in cytosol (cytoplasm) are called _________.  Hint: mini-organs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. LePera A&P

2  Specialized cellular components found in cytosol (cytoplasm) are called _________.  Hint: mini-organs

3  Specialized cellular components found in cytosol (cytoplasm) are called Organelles.  Hint: mini-organs

4  Phospholipid tails in the cell membrane are ___________(hydrophobic/hydrophilic) which makes the plasma membrane impermeable to water.

5  Phospholipid tails in the cell membrane are hydrophobic which makes the plasma membrane impermeable to water.

6  _____________ increase the surface area of the plasma membrane and help with absorption

7  Microvilli increase the surface area of the plasma membrane and help with absorption

8  The rod-shaped organelle where spindle- fibers originate is the _____________.

9  The rod-shaped organelle where spindle- fibers originate is the centriole.

10  When substances move AGAINST their concentration gradient it is called _______________ transport.

11  When substances move AGAINST their concentration gradient it is called active transport.

12  Unassisted movement of molecules and ions down the concentration gradient is called _____________.

13  Unassisted movement of molecules and ions down the concentration gradient is called diffusion.

14  When the cytoplasm divides it is called _____________.

15  When the cytoplasm divides it is called cytokinesis.

16  Cell growth occurs during what phase in the cell cycle?

17  Interphase

18  The DNA segment that is the instructions for a single protein is called a ________.

19  The DNA segment that is the instructions for a single protein is called a gene.

20  The assembling of proteins by reading mRNA is called (transcription/translation).

21  The assembling of proteins by reading mRNA is called translation.

22  Which type of muscle tissue is voluntarily controlled?

23  Skeletal

24  Neurons are found in ______ tissue and conduct __________ _________.

25  Neurons are found in nervous tissue and conduct electrochemical impulses.

26  Where are ribosomes (rRNA) made?

27  Nucleolus

28  Where are ribosomes found? (2 places)

29  Free in the cytoplasm and on the rough ER

30  2 types of passive transport are:  Osmosis  Endocytosis  Diffusion  Filtration  Exocytosis

31  2 types of passive transport are:  Diffusion  Filtration

32  Chromatids are pulled apart during

33  Anaphase

34  __RNA carries amino acids to the ribosome

35  tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome

36  List the phases of the cell cycle in order

37  Interphase  Prophase  Metaphase  Anaphase  Telophase  Cytokinesis

38  What molecule is made during transcription?

39  mRNA

40  Explain the structure of DNA

41  2 chains  Has deoxyribose sugars  Never leaves the nucleus  A-T, G-C  Replicated in prep for cell division

42  During protein synthesis, what is the segment called that codes for a specific amino acid?

43  During protein synthesis, what is the segment on mRNA called that codes for a specific amino acid?  Codon

44  What phase of the cell cycle does DNA replicate?

45  Interphase

46  Which is NOT connective tissue?  Bone  Cartilage  Blood  Skeletal muscle  Adipose

47  Which is NOT connective tissue?  Skeletal muscle

48  What are the 3 types of muscle and where are they found?

49  Skeletal-attached to bones  Cardiac-heart  Smooth-digestive system

50  “Cell skeleton” is made of microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments is called the __________.

51  “Cell skeleton” is made of microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments is called the cytoskeleton.

52  What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?

53  Endocytosis=take into the cell  Exocytosis=out of the cell

54  If a cell has a tail the tail is called a _________.

55  If a cell has a tail the tail is called a flagella.

56  Facilitated diffusion requires a _______ ________.

57  Facilitated diffusion requires a protein channel/molecule.

58  Know the function of each of these organelles/cell structures  Centriole  Mitochondria  Ribosome  Lysosome  Microtubule  Golgi  Nucleolus  Microvilli

59  Know the function of mRNA, rRNA, DNA, proteins

60  List the 3 different types of RNA and their functions ◦ mRNA (Messenger)-carries message containing info for protein synthesis from DNA in nucleus to ribosome ◦ rRNA (ribosomal)-forms ribosomes and coordinates protein synthesis ◦ tRNA (transfer)-transports amino acids to ribosome and recognizes the mRNA codons

61  Discuss 3 steps of protein synthesis 1. Uncoil DNA 2. Transcription (DNA  mRNA) ◦ Genes code for specific proteins ◦ mRNA forms complementary strand with codons that code for specific amino acids 3. Translation (RNA directed synthesis of protein) ◦ mRNA travels to ribosome ◦ Ribosome “reads” codons ◦ Corresponding tRNA brings amino acids ◦ Amino acids bond together to form a protein

62  Discuss the 6 stages of cell division ◦ Interphase-cell growth, DNA copied ◦ Prophase-Chromosomes are 2 strands of chromatid, held together by centromere. Centrioles move to opposite ends of cells and form mitotic spindle ◦ Metaphase-chromosomes align in middle of cell ◦ Anaphase-centromeres split and chromosomes move toward opposite ends of cells ◦ Telophase-chromosomes reach opposite ends of the cell, uncoil and become chromatin again. Nuclear membrane reforms ◦ Cytokinesis-organelles and cytoplasm split between 2 new cells.

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