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Energy Accountability You: The Consumer. Making the shift from Red to Green. JR. ACE Program 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Accountability You: The Consumer. Making the shift from Red to Green. JR. ACE Program 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Accountability You: The Consumer. Making the shift from Red to Green. JR. ACE Program 1

2 What we’ll cover: What do these terms mean? How much energy do I use? What does energy cost? How much energy is produced? What can I do? 2

3 What do these terms mean? Volts: – A measure of the electrical power “pressure” employed by an appliance. Voltage is to electricity as Pressure is to water. 3

4 What do these terms mean? (2) Ampere: – The rate of flow of electricity The proportionate amount of electrons flowing through a conductor past a given point in one second. 4

5 What do these terms mean? (3) Watts: – The measure of the rate of electrical use at any moment. Watts = Volts x Amps Think of it as the speed on a speedometer! 5

6 What do these terms mean? (4) Watt-Hours and Kilowatt-Hours – Total energy used over time. Watt Hours = Watts x Hours kWH = Watts x Hours measured in Thousands This is what you pay for on your Electric Bills! 6 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

7 How much Energy do I use? 7

8 Cooling – Small window unit AC 900 Watts – Big window unit AC 1400 Watts – Central Air Conditioning 3500 Watts – Ceiling fan 42” 24 Watts 8

9 How much Energy do I use? Heating: – Electric Space Heater (low setting) 600 Watts – Electric Space Heater (high setting) 1440 Watts – Electric Furnace / Central Heating (CA) 7900 Watts – Central Heating (Cold Areas) 26,000 Watts 9

10 How much energy do I use? Appliances – Water Heater 3800 Watts – Dishwasher 3600 Watts – Electric Oven at 350 o F 2000 Watts – Refrigerator (Compressing / Average) 500 Watts / 100 Watts – Microwave 1440 Watts – Coffee Maker 900 Watts – Clock radio 4 Watts 10

11 How much energy do I use? Lighting – Incandescent Light bulb 60 Watts – CFL Light Bulb 18 Watts (looks like 60 watts) – LED night light.5 Watts 11

12 How much energy do I use? Electronics – Desktop computer and 17” Monitor 300 Watts – 50” Plasma TV 340 Watts – 50” LCD TV 260 Watts – PS3 195 Watts – Xbox 360 185 Watts – Nintendo Wii 20 Watts 12

13 How much energy do I use? One – AA Battery Contains a total of 3 kWH. To put this in perspective, it would take 1000 batteries to do one load of laundry. 13 Lets put this in perspective! Leaving the heater on all day at 82 o F is ~200 kWH a day (during winter months) To put this in perspective, Turning on the heater only while your home would save you enough money in 1yr to buy a Used Car.

14 How much energy do I use? 14

15 What does energy cost? U.S Residential National Average – 12¢ per kilowatt hour California Average – 15.22¢ per kWH In Sacramento (SMUD): – Nov – Apr 9.5 ¢ per kWH 17.55 ¢ per kWH (after 1120 kWH used) – May – Oct 10.2 ¢ per kWH 18.2 ¢ per kWH (after 700 kWH used) 15 Prices go up if you use more energy Prices go up in the summer time

16 What does energy cost? 16 Sacramento’s Optional Time-of-use-Rates - Nov – Apr -10.5 ¢ per kWH (on peak) -9.75 ¢ per kWH (off-peak) -May-Oct -23.5 ¢ per kWH (on-peak) -10.9 ¢ per kWH (off-peak) -Peak Hours of Energy-Use: 4pm – 8pm

17 What does energy cost? 17 Average Prices in 2003.

18 What does energy cost? 18 As of March 2010: States with the Highest Average Energy Costs 1)Hawaii – 27.79¢ / kWh 2)Connecticut – 19.36 ¢ / kWh 3)New York – 18.02 ¢ / kWh States with the Lowest Average Energy Costs 1)North Dakota – 7.29 ¢ / kWh 2)Missouri – 7.6 ¢ / kWh

19 How much energy is produced? In the US today, 12% of energy comes from renewable sources. Wind, Water, and Sun. If traditional power plants were converted to renewable production sites, 93 % of our energy could come from renewable sources. 19

20 How much energy is produced? 20 Solar Energy is more viable in some areas than in others. It serves as a great Residential energy source in California. In most of CA: 1 Square Meter of Solar Panels will produce 6kWH each day. That’s $275 per year! (Plus tax rebates!)

21 How Much energy is produced? The biggest On-Shore Wind Farm: Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Taylor and Nolan Counties, Tex. 47,000 Acres 735 Megawatts (or: 735,000 kilowatts) 21

22 How much energy is produced? World’s largest Tidal Power producer: Rance Tidal Barrage in Bretagne, France 240 Megawatts 22

23 How much energy is produced? World’s largest solar thermal plant: Southern California 2600 megawatts 23

24 How much energy is produced? World’s Largest Photovoltaic Power Plant: Olmedilla Photovoltaic Park in Olmedilla de Alarcón, Spain 60 megawatts 24

25 What can I do? Use space heaters to heat only the rooms you're in, rather than a central system that heats the whole house. – $3200 - $1400 / year (depending on environment) Turn off central heating system when you're not home. – $1286 average (varies with environment) Use Ceiling Fans instead of the Air Conditioning – $664 / year Turn off lights you’re not using – $219 / year Wash laundry in cold water instead of hot/warm – $167 / year Put your computer into Sleep mode when not in use – $143 / year 25

26 What can I do? Use a clothes-line to dry your laundry – $141 / year In rooms with multiple light-bulbs, remove one. – $90 / year Replace regular lightbulbs with CFLs – $90 / year Replace top-loading washer with front-load washers – $90 / year Replace fridges that are older than 10 years – $45 / year 26

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