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Home Energy Cost-saving tips for reducing your home energy footprint Climate Master Program Last updated 1/10 Source:

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Presentation on theme: "Home Energy Cost-saving tips for reducing your home energy footprint Climate Master Program Last updated 1/10 Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Home Energy Cost-saving tips for reducing your home energy footprint Climate Master Program Last updated 1/10 Source:

2 Key Learning Points  Our energy system is connected to a regional and national grid – what we do matters!  Behavioral changes can reduce emissions and save money.  Changes to energy sources, equipment and appliances can reduce emissions

3 Dan Moorehouse, EWEB 1 kilowatt = 1000 watts in an hour Power (kW) X Time (hrs) = Kilowatt Hours (kWh)

4 US uses 26.9 billion Megawatts/year  The average home uses 10,000 kWh of energy a year  We use about 26.9 Billion Megawatts annually!

5 Residences use about a quarter of US energy

6 Where does it come from? US Power Plants

7 Half national electricity from worst source: Coal Source: U.S. EPA, eGRID, year 2005 data

8 The US Wind Power

9 The US Energy: Solar Mostly in the Southwest

10 Hydro = Primary Northwest source Source: EWEB

11 Hydro = 72% of EWEB Energy

12 The US Energy Grid: Power doesn’t stay put

13 Home Energy: temperature control and appliances  A typical Eugene resident’s home energy use: Source: Information, Climate Leadership Initiative; Graphic, Funk Levis & Associates

14 Source: US Department of Energy, Heating and Cooling almost half of energy use

15 Prevent heat or cool from escaping Source: Sierra Pacific Source: Our Organic Northwest  What is the heat source?  Where is heat escaping?  Thin insulation  Drafts  Window seals  Door seals  Single pane glass  Chimneys

16 Heating/Cooling energy use – four factors 1. Desired Temperature 2. Length of time at that temperature 3. Size of space 4. Efficiency of the heating/cooling system

17 Only heat what need, when you need it  Turn off your heating or cooling system when you leave the house  Turn down your thermostat when you are sleeping  Only heat the space you’re in  Only turn it on when you’re there Source:

18 Use space effectively  Place furniture near heat sources  Use fans to move warm air around  Use curtains to help keep heat in (winter) or out (summer) Source:

19 Regular maintenance increases efficiency Source:

20 Fireplaces  Woodstoves are FIVE times more efficient than fireplaces  Pellet Stoves are even MORE efficient  Gas stoves/fireplaces are MOST efficient  Choose a model with a blower Source: Regency Fireplace Products

21 Appliances & Lights: 33% of home energy use Source: US Department of Energy,

22 Use efficient appliances Research the Energy Star Inventory: search for and compare appliances Source: US Department of Energy

23 Cook efficiently  Microwave = most efficient  Gas stovetop more efficient than electric  Smaller appliances are more efficient  Toaster oven vs full range  Cooking methods  Baking is least efficient Source:

24 Washer and Dryer tips Good Rules of Thumb:  Wash, or at least rinse, in cold water.  Wash full loads, don’t overload.  Use the extra spin feature to reduce drying time  Clean the lint trap-install the louvered vent covering  Don’t overload the dryer  Use the sun to dry your clothes Source: GE Source:

25 Kill the Energy Vampires  Unplug electronics when not in use  Nearly all electronic devices draw some power load when plugged in even turned off  Recycle old devices

26 Light efficiently  Use daylight!  Task Light  Turn off lights when you leave the room  Replace incandescent with CFLs  Recycle CFLs Source: Source:

27 Refrigerator and Freezer: 11%

28 Fridge and Freezer draw the largest energy load  Constantly in use  Choose efficient models  Keep it full  Easier to keep stuff cold than space  Keep it closed  Insure seals work well  Place away from heat sources

29 Water Heating

30 Water Heater Tips for reducing your water bills.  For each 10ºF reduction in water temperature, save between 3%–5% in energy costs  Set water temperature to 120 o F not the standard 140 o F  Use a water heater blanket  Turn off water heater when not in use  Consider a solar water heater

31 Tools for Saving Energy  Programmable thermostat  Hot water thermometer  Kilowatt meter  Refrigerator/freezer thermometer  Switch and outlet sealers

32 Resources  State of Oregon Residential Energy Tax Credits (RETC)  EWEB  Home Energy Calculator  Energy Trust of Oregon  Environmental Protection Agency  Climate Leadership Institute

33 We Can Take Action and Make a Difference. PowerPoint designed by the Climate Leadership Initiative at http://climlead.uoregon.edu

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