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ICSMBC Safety Presentation Laura Wynn-Lawrence. The Basics Bow side is starboard, stroke side is port side. The boathouse is on the Middlesex side of.

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Presentation on theme: "ICSMBC Safety Presentation Laura Wynn-Lawrence. The Basics Bow side is starboard, stroke side is port side. The boathouse is on the Middlesex side of."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICSMBC Safety Presentation Laura Wynn-Lawrence

2 The Basics Bow side is starboard, stroke side is port side. The boathouse is on the Middlesex side of the river. The river is tidal, so it comes in (flooding) and goes out (ebbing).

3 Tides Going out (or ebbing) Coming in (or flooding)

4 The river

5 Navigation Either: o Stream and inshore zones o Right hand rule Stream and inshore zones o Demarcated by red and green buoys o Change with the turn of the tide Right hand rule (starboard side) o Only at Richmond and Putney o Does not change with the turn of the tide

6 Crossing points Syon crossing (Richmond) Chiswick bridge crossing Chiswick steps crossing Putney bridge Red and green buoys

7 Syon crossing Go to ‘right-hand’ rule Demarcated by a red buoy Landmarks: The barges

8 Chiswick bridge crossing Move from Surrey side (red buoys) To Middlesex side (green buoys) Landmarks: crossing opposite ‘The Ship Inn’ pub

9 Chiswick steps crossing Cross from Middlesex side (green buoys) To Surrey side (red buoys) Landmarks: if you don’t cross, you will hit Chiswick Pier…

10 Putney bridge crossing Go from fairway and inshore zone to RHR Landmarks: Putney pier Depends on the tide

11 Putney bridge – high tide On the ebb Getting from the fairway into the inshore zone

12 Putney bridge – low tide On the ebb From the fairway into the inshore zone

13 Restricted Zones Crossing points Bridges Between Kew rail and road bridges Rules o No stopping o No turning o No fast overtaking

14 Bridges DANGEROUS 2 white or orange lights side by side mean that a bridge is open to navigation. 3 lights in a triangle means that it’s closed. Be wary of getting caught on the arches

15 Overtaking Being overtaken o Maintain speed and course o Stay close to the bank in the inshore zone o Move to one side/maintain positioning in the stream Overtaking o In the inshore zone: one with a second overtaking o In the stream: two abreast with a third overtaking Launches o Go slowly and wait patiently o Wait for boat to go ahead and go wide and quickly

16 Stopping and turning Prohibited in restricted zones Same rules as for a car There is a small gap between restricted zone in Kew Rail and Kew Road

17 Collision Take a look: risk of collision Ahead: collision more likely Hold it up: collision imminent

18 Landing Bowman need to get their wellies on; ready to land. o Ask them to look out for shallow sections o Good as a lookout when it’s dark Land at 30-45 degrees to prevent scraping the whole boat o Strokeman can hold it up If in doubt, land super slowly

19 Power-driven vessels Pass port to port when going past PDV. If it is very shallow, may have to let the boat go past or pass on starboard side

20 Capsize If shallow enough to wade ashore, try to do so Stay with the boat, holding onto the riggers (overturn boat if necessary) Try to get as much of your body out of the water and ‘buddy-up’ to keep warm Wait for launch to collect rowers from the water or attract attention of surrounding boats. Launch: drive up to crew members and cut engine, collecting one or two at a time and drop off on the bank.

21 Safety procedure

22 Staying safe

23 Weather conditions Factors to consider o How fast is the tide? o What are other river users doing? o What is the weather doing? o How good is the visibility on the river? o How strong at the rowers (able to deal with waves and strong stream)? o How your rowers got appropriate clothing

24 Rowing in the dark When majority of our incidences happen Lights on the boat 30 minutes either side of dusk and dawn Launches and coxes both need to look out for obstacles Watch out for flashing buoys

25 Turning of the tide Avoid going out at the turn of the tide Stick on the right hand-side of the fairway Tide turns at Putney before Richmond Tide turns in the slacks before the fairway Rowing back from Putney, you may beat the turn of the tide.

26 Emergency action plan Roles and action to be taken in the event of an emergency: Safety emergency plan- to be written Call 999 and ask for coastguard

27 Hazardous areas

28 Putney to Hammersmith Bridge Steep walls on Middlesex side- landing or rescue very difficult The Black Buoy (don’t hit this) Fulham football ground- very shallow on the inside of the bend at low tide

29 Hammersmith Bridge to Chiswick Pier Surrey arch of Hammersmith Bridge Dove Pier- do not go further right than the ‘Hammersmith’ of the bridge

30 Chiswick Pier to Kew Rail Bridge Surrey side of Barnes is shallower than it looks. Crossing points

31 Kew Rail to The Dock Surrey arch of Kew Rail Current pushing craft onto Kew Midstream mooring Approach to Kew Road Bridge is a blind corner Kew Road- centre arch against the stream is forbidden Vessels coming out of Brentford Dock Shoal at entrance to Brentford Dock

32 Brentford Dock to Richmond Lock Lack of inshore zone at low water Vertical banks on the Middlesex side

33 Any questions?

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