MENTAL HEALTH. Mental Health What our culture defines as mentally healthy –Able to deal with the world as it is –Able to accept themselves and others.

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2 Mental Health What our culture defines as mentally healthy –Able to deal with the world as it is –Able to accept themselves and others –Able to be comfortable with silence and being alone –Able to adapt to change –Cope with stress –Trust their own senses and feelings –Establish long term and short term goals

3 Mental Health Mental illness is not related to an individual’s willpower or morality Approx 51 million people in the US have a diagnosable mental disorder No one is immune from mental disorders even children 1 out of 5 people has had a direct experience of mental illness with either themselves or a close family member About half of Americans will develop a mental illness some time in their lives –½ will start by the age of 14 –¾ will start by the age of 24

4 Anxiety Worry or excessive concern Out of proportions to any realistic concerns about family, work, finances or health Feel –Helpless –Unable to concentrate –Fatigued, unable to sleep –Restless Treated with antidepressants and counseling

5 Manic Depression or Bipolar Disorder Fluctuates between depression and manic activity Manic phase –Lots of energy –Hyperactive –Poor judgment –Reckless behavior –Grandiose delusions –Inflated self esteem Treated with lithium

6 Depression Different from feeling blue Over a lifetime 1 in 6 adults (more then 32 million) experience depression 19 million per year have an episode of major depression 8% of teenagers have major depression 10% of college age students have been diagnosed with depression Cost 44 billion dollars a year in the US

7 Depression You have depression if for at least two weeks you have: –Experienced persistent feeling of sadness, anxiety or emptiness –Loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities including sex and five or more of the following symptoms Changes in appetite, either weight loss or gain No energy Restless or irritable

8 Depression Feelings of helplessness, hopelessness or despair Difficulty thinking, making decisions or concentrating Thoughts of death or suicide Chronic aches and pains that do not respond to treatment Excessive crying

9 Depression Signs that you need help –You feel pessimistic about life –You avoid old friends –Crowds bother you –You don’t get along with other people –You have a poor memory –Not doing well in school or work –You have made a will have been thinking about your funeral

10 Depression in Men More then 6 million men suffer from depression Symptoms are different from women –Irritability –Fatigued –Alcohol or drug abuse –Anger –Headaches Men deny symptoms and refuse help Depressed men are two to four times more likely then depressed women to commit suicide

11 Depression Depression in kids –Sudden change in interest or habits –Inability to concentrate –Prolonged period of the blues –Intense anger and disruptive behavior –Unexplained fears and thoughts of death

12 Depression Treatment –Antidepressant therapy Many new drugs available with minimal side effects –Psychotherapy

13 Suicide A permanent solution to a temporary problem One suicide every 15 min and one attempt every minute 20% of high school students consider suicide 8-11 in every 100,000 teens commit suicide

14 Suicide Women attempt suicide more than men Men commit suicide more then women Every 90 minutes an elderly person in the US commits suicide Suicide is a cry for help

15 Suicide Signs to watch for: –Pulling away from people and favorite activities –500 times more likely to commit suicide if you are severely depressed –A crisis that overwhelms a depressed person –Suicide plans Take every suicide attempt seriously

16 Suicide Your responsibility –Ask questions about their suicide plan –Persuade them to get help –Call a local mental health agency for advice –If they have injured themselves bring them to the nearest emergency department 5150 available

17 Suicide Long term effects on families of people who kill themselves –Guilt –Shame –Anger –More likely to commit suicide themselves –Drug or alcohol problems

18 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Classified as an anxiety disorder Inappropriate, intrusive thoughts Examples include: –Repetitive hand washing –Checking on locked doors –Unable to eat food that has been touched by others

19 Panic Attacks Sudden intense fears with physical symptoms such as –Palpitations –Sweating –Chest pain –Dizziness –Choking –Shortness of breath –Nausea –Numbness

20 Panic Attacks May start as early as 6-7 th grade Can be successfully treated with medications

21 Schizophrenia Distorted sense of reality One out of 100 has a schizophrenic episode in a lifetime Unknown cause –Theories involve dopamine levels in the brain –Heredity –Environmental issues

22 Schizophrenia General characteristics –Delusions Think your mind is controlled by outside forces –Auditory hallucinations Voices in your head –Disorganized speech and thoughts Mixes words together Expresses thoughts with unusual words

23 Schizophrenia General characteristics –Inappropriate emotions Emotions absent or strong –Deteriorating work and social function Increased social withdrawal Poor performance at work or school May be gradual and difficult to recognize

24 Schizophrenia It is controllable but not curable Stabilized with medications 50% of schizophrenics chronically ill but controlled with medications 20% only have rare periods of normalcy and require permanent hospitalization The rest are in between

25 Therapy Choosing a therapist –Find someone with whom you can communicate –You must feel comfortable –Only an MD can prescribe medications –PHD, clinical psychologists, social workers, psychiatric nurses are also options and they can work with an MD for medications

26 Therapy Therapeutic approaches –Psychoanalytical –Behaviorists –Crisis intervention Decision based on –Amount of time available for therapy –Amount of money Medications –Major breakthrough in treatment options –Used in conjunction with therapy

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