Bill of Rights the first 10 amendments

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Presentation on theme: "Bill of Rights the first 10 amendments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill of Rights the first 10 amendments

2 First Amendment -Freedom of Speech, -Press, -Religion, -Assembly,
-and to petition the government

3 Second Amendment -Right to keep and bear arms (own a gun)

4 -Lodging Troops in Private Homes
Third Amendment -Lodging Troops in Private Homes Protection from quartering of troops                                                                                              

5 Fourth Amendment Protection from unreasonable search and seizure                                                                                              

6 Fifth Amendment -Rights of the Accused
Those accused of a crime… are entitled to due process (a fair trial), can’t be tried twice (double jeopardy), can avoid self-incrimination (testifying against yourself)

7 Sixth Amendment speedy trial by jury, lawyer (counsel), & witnesses
Right to a ……………………. speedy trial by jury, lawyer (counsel), & witnesses                                                                                              

8 Seventh Amendment -Jury trials in civil cases (lawsuits)                                                                                                                                                    

9 Eighth Amendment Prohibition of excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment                                                                                              

10 -Powers reserved to the people
Ninth Amendment -Powers reserved to the people Protection of peoples rights not specifically listed in the Bill of Rights                                                                                              

11 -Powers reserved to the states
Tenth Amendment -Powers reserved to the states                                                                                              

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