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The Learning Center 315 Sage Hall 940-369-7006

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Presentation on theme: "The Learning Center 315 Sage Hall 940-369-7006"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Learning Center 315 Sage Hall

2 How to Own Your Success Attend and participate in EVERY class
Refer often to your course syllabus Visit professors during their office hours Ask questions and get help Get organized Attend campus events and join organizations Prepare thoroughly for exams and assignments (DON’T CRAM) Start a study group Use your campus resources

3 Attend and participate in EVERY class
What is your best time of day? Sit front and center What does participate mean to you? Active engagement with professor and material Figure out your Learning Style No distractions Attending every class means EVERY class Utilize the Learning Center Learning 101 Series Study Skills Lab Speed Reading Workshop

4 Refer often to the course syllabus
Course syllabi list everything you need to know about a course including: Professor office hours Exams, homework, assignments Required and optional textbooks Any policies specific to the professor All university policies, including ADA accommodations and Student Code of Conduct Be aware: Syllabi are subject to change at professor’s discretion!

5 Visit professors during their office hours
Listed on the course syllabus The earlier the better Great networking tool Future internships Recommendation letters Help with course material Have a plan Questions Concerns Clarifications Don’t wait until you are desperate…it probably won’t help

6 Ask questions and get help
Why be confused? Advocate for yourself Course material builds on itself Utilize the Learning Center Supplemental Instruction Volunteer Tutors Online Tutoring Other areas for assistance Accounting Lab Chemistry Resource Center Computer Science and Engineering Help Lab Finance Academic Assistance Lab History Help Center Math Tutoring Lab Physics Instructional Center Writing Lab Your advisor

7 Get Organized Keep your personal space clean and decluttered
Use a planner Conventional planner Phone/iPad/Computer Keep course materials separate Devise a study schedule and stick to it Don’t procrastinate Say NO! Utilize the Learning Center Plan Your Semester Study Skills Lab Learning 101 Series

8 Attend campus events and join organizations
The more you engage in the community, the more successful you will be…it’s a proven fact! Avoid weekend trips home Get involved Student Activities College/School activities Leaderships Opportunities Participate in campus events Athletics First Flight Week Center for Leadership and Service Distinguished Lecture Series Utilize the Learning Center Supplemental Instruction Leaders Volunteer Tutors

9 Prepare thoroughly for exams and assignments (DON’T CRAM)
When should you start studying for your first exams? Assignments don’t really mean anything, right? What does it mean to cram? Don’t let your GPA fall More work to catch back up than it is to stay consistent from the beginning Utilize the Learning Center Supplemental Instruction Volunteer Tutors Learning 101 Series Study Skills Lab Speed Reading Workshop If you do cram, you may end up here Academic Success Workshop

10 Start a Study Group Compare notes and see if you missed anything
Utilize your strengths in the class and benefit from the strengths of others Talk out loud and clarify concepts Improve time management skills by scheduling your study time Learn discipline by feeling obligated to your peers to keep up with the coursework Make efficient use of your study time Work on outlines of chapters together Create practice exams Provide support for each other Learn how to work as a team

11 Use your campus resources
UNT faculty and staff are here to support you! Advocate for yourself Utilize the endless amount of resources around campus. These include: AND THE LEARNING CENTER! Career Center Recreation Center Advisors START Office Dean of Students Veteran’s Center Registrar Study Abroad Computer Services Library Student Legal Services Health and Wellness Center Housing and Residence Life Office of Disability Accommodations Multicultural Center Counseling and Testing Services Student Support Services/SSS-Discovery Financial Aid & Scholarships Student Money Management Center

12 Additional Learning Center Services
Academic Coaching Academic Resource Library Learning Center 2 Graduate Services

13 Questions? Sage Hall 315

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