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Prepositional Phrases as Adjectives and Adverbs

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Presentation on theme: "Prepositional Phrases as Adjectives and Adverbs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepositional Phrases as Adjectives and Adverbs
Unit 13.3

2 Prepositional Phrases can function as
Adjectives Adverbs

3 What do adjectives describe?
Nouns Pronouns

4 What do adverbs describe?
Adjectives Other Adverbs

5 A prepositional phrase can function as an adjective
If it functions as an adjective it is called an adjective phrase. The fabrics from the Orient were quite beautiful. What is your prepositional phrase? From the Orient What does it describe? Fabrics (the subject of the sentence)

6 Prepositional Phrases as Adjectives (continued)
These ancient hangings are tapestries from other lands. What is your prepositional phrase? From other lands What does it describe? Tapestries (the noun in the predicate)

7 Prepositional Phrases can function as Adverbs
If it functions as an adverb, it is called an adverb phrase. The women are weaving on looms. What is your prepositional phrase? On looms What does it describe? Weaving (on loom describes the verb)

8 That fabric looks great on you.
What is your prepositional phrase? On you What does it modify? Great (it describes an adjective)

9 She weaves fabric well for her age.
What is the prepositional phrase? For her age What does it describe? Well (for her age describes the adverb well)

10 An adverb phrase tells:
When Where How an action takes place

11 Weavers work during the day.
What is the prepositional phrase? During the day What does it modify? Work (verb) It tells when they worked

12 They work in shops. What is the prepositional phrase? In shops What does it modify? Work (it tells where they worked)

13 Prepositional Phrases can be Adverb Phrases
They work with care. What is your prepositional phrase? With care What does it modify? Work (it tells how they worked)

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