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Parts of a Plant Flower: Where pollination and reproduction takes place. Leaf: Where photosynthesis (food making) takes place. Stem: Holds.

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9 Parts of a Plant Flower: Where pollination and reproduction takes place. Leaf: Where photosynthesis (food making) takes place. Stem: Holds up the plant. Transports water , minerals, and nutrients to rest the plant. Roots: Anchors plant by keeping it firmly in place. Absorbs water and minerals. Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

10 ROOTS Root hairs: absorbs water and minerals
Grass is a fibrous root. Carrots are taproots where starch is stored. Root cap: pushes the root through the soil. Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

11 Stem Phloem Cells: tubes that carry nutrients from the leaves through the stem and down to the root. Xylem Cells: connecting tubes that carry water and minerals from the soil. Woody plants, like roses and trees, live for many years. The stem is like the highway system of the plant, transporting minerals, nutrients, and water throughout the plant. Nonwoody plants, like dandelions, live for only one season. Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

12 Leaf Petiole: an extension of the xylem and phloem tubes from the stem. Veins: the transport system of the leaf. Blade: the broad, flat part of the leaf. Inside of a Leaf Upper Epidermis: protects the leaf from drying off. Cells: where chloroplasts exist and food making occurs Lower Epidermis: protects the leaf and allows for the exchange of gases. Chloroplasts: contains the chlorophyll, which gives the leaf color. Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

13 Flower Stigma: sticky part on the top of the pistil to which pollen grains stick Petals: the colorful part of the flower. Pistil: the female part of the flower . Stamen: Male part that holds the pollen. Ovule: Produces the female sex cells and becomes the seed. Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

14 sunlight+ carbon dioxide+ water= sugar and oxygen
Photosynthesis: sunlight+ carbon dioxide+ water= sugar and oxygen Sugar=energy sunlight Sugar=energy Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide oxygen water oxygen Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

15 Pollination Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination
Colorful petals attract insects and other animals to the nectar. Pollen rubs off of stamen onto insect or animal. Insect or animal rubs pollen onto stigma. Pollen travels down pistil and becomes fertilized in the ovary. Ovary enlarges and becomes a fruit. The fruit splits open and releases the seeds. Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

16 Plant Responses Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination
Thigmotropism: plants response to touch, like the tendrils of a pea plant. Phototropism: plants response to the need for sunlight. Geotropism: plants response to gravity by growing toward the center of the earth. Hydrotropism: plants response to the need for water. Roots Stem Leaf Flower Photosynthesis Pollination Plant Responses

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