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Daydreaming – What bullying happened in the film? Face-to-Face Bullying Pushing her about in the playground. Laughing and talking in groups about her.

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Presentation on theme: "Daydreaming – What bullying happened in the film? Face-to-Face Bullying Pushing her about in the playground. Laughing and talking in groups about her."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daydreaming – What bullying happened in the film? Face-to-Face Bullying Pushing her about in the playground. Laughing and talking in groups about her. Cyberbullying Texts on the phone. Cruel emails.

2 Bullying / Cyberbullying– Who would I go to? My Teacher My Mum My Headteacher My Friends Who else would we tell… An older brother or sister. Aunty or uncle. Grandma. Learning assistant.

3 Cyberbullying– What should I do? Show a grown up Keep the messages Delete it Send a nasty message back Ignore it Don’t let it upset me Tell my friends to send nasty messages Do not reply

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