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Cyber-bullying Advice What should you do! Don't reply to messages that are meant to upset you. This is likely to make the bullying worse.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyber-bullying Advice What should you do! Don't reply to messages that are meant to upset you. This is likely to make the bullying worse."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cyber-bullying Advice What should you do!

3 Don't reply to messages that are meant to upset you. This is likely to make the bullying worse

4 Keep the message You don't have to read it, but show it to a grown up you trust who can record it and keep it as evidence

5 Report problems Don’t put up with it, take control and report it to a teacher, parent etc.

6 Block the sender Get help to block the sender of upsetting messages

7 Tell someone you trust Talking to your parents, friends, a teacher, youth leader is usually a good first step.

8 Respect yourself and respect others Being online is very public and very real. Be in control, be yourself

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