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Reflexive Verbs in present and perterite. Reflexive Verbs Some verbs in spanish have se attached to the end of the infinitive. The se is a reflexive pronoun(pronombre.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflexive Verbs in present and perterite. Reflexive Verbs Some verbs in spanish have se attached to the end of the infinitive. The se is a reflexive pronoun(pronombre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflexive Verbs in present and perterite

2 Reflexive Verbs Some verbs in spanish have se attached to the end of the infinitive. The se is a reflexive pronoun(pronombre reflexivo) and the verb is called a reflexive verb(verbo reflexivo) because it reflects actions back upon the subject of the sentence.

3 Reflexive Verbs cont Reflexive verbs are conjugated the same as nonreflexive verbs;however, they are used with a corresponding reflexive pronoun, which may precede a verb or be attached to the end of an infinitive or a present participle.

4 Peinarse Yo Me cepillo Nosotros Nosotras Nos cepillamos Tu Te cepillas Vosotros VosotrasOs cepillais Ud. El Ella Se cepilla Uds. Ellos Ellas Se cepillan

5 In spanish, a definite article is generally used instead of a possessive adjective when using a reflexive verb to talk about personal items, such as clothing and parts of the body.

6 The preterite tense of reflexive verbs Reflexive and nonreflexive verbs follow the same patterns you have learned for forming the preterite tense, with the exception that reflexive verbs require an appropiate reflexive pronoun

7 No reflexivo Bañé al perro I gave the dog a bath Ella vistió a suShe dressed her little hermanitasister

8 Reflexivo Me bañé. I took a bath Ella se vistióShe got dressed

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