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Español 7 Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs are used to tell that a person does an action to himself or herself.

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2 Español 7 Reflexive Verbs

3 Reflexive verbs are used to tell that a person does an action to himself or herself.

4 Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs have two parts: a reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, se) and a verb form.

5 Reflexive Verbs LAVARSE(to wash oneself) Verb Form Reflexive Pronoun

6 Reflexive Verbs In English, we really dont identify with reflexive verbs. So these will seem strange to you.

7 Reflexive Verbs In English, a sentence using a so called reflexive verb might be… Lauren brushes her hair. Scott bathes himself.

8 Reflexive Verbs You must remember that these are actions being done to oneself, by oneself. For example: I wash my (my own) hair.

9 Reflexive Pronouns me(myself) te (yourself) se(himself or herself) nos (ourselves) os (yourselves) se (themselves or yourselves)

10 TO WASH ONESELF I wash myself You wash yourself He washes himself We wash ourselves You wash yourselves They wash themselves

11 LAVARSE me lavo te lavas se lava nos lavamos os laváis se lavan

12 Reflexive Verbs Lets do more verbs!

13 Reflexive Verbs Lets do more verbs!

14 CEPILLARSE me cepillo te cepillas se cepilla nos cepillamos os cepilláis se cepillan

15 DUCHARSE me ducho te duchas se ducha nos duchamos os ducháis se duchan

16 Reflexive Verbs When using reflexive verbs to talk about parts of the body, you have to use the definite articles: el, la, los, las Ex. Yo me lavo el pelo. Tú te cepillas los dientes.

17 Reflexive Verbs Remember: Reflexive verbs reflect onto the subject! Ex. Yo me peino el pelo = reflexive Yo peino mi gato = NOT reflexive Yo me lavo la cara = reflexive Yo lavo mi carro = NOT reflexive

18 ¡Práctica! Yo ___ _______ a las siete (ducharse) Uds. ___ _____ en es espejo. (mirarse). Nosotros ___ _______ las manos antes de comer. (lavarse)

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