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GHY Introduction to Physical Geography

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Presentation on theme: "GHY Introduction to Physical Geography"— Presentation transcript:

1 GHY 1010-102 Introduction to Physical Geography
MWF 11:00 – 11:50 AM Professor: L. Baker Perry, Ph.D.

2 Intro to Course, Geography
Introductions Course Logistics The Science of Geography   Earth Systems Concepts   For Next Class: Read Chapter 1

3 Introductions Find a partner sitting near you and find out the following info: NAME POINT(S) OF ORIGIN MAJOR (or projected major) FAVORITE MOUNTAIN RANGE FAVORITE KIND OF WEATHER WHERE YOU WANT TO LIVE AND WORK AFTER GRADUATION TALENTS OR HOBBIES

4 Videos







11 Elevating Meteorological Understanding
on Everest: Installing the Highest Weather Stations on Earth Baker Perry1, Tom Matthews2, Kyler Abernathy3, Deepak Aryal4, Sibas Shrestha4, Arbindra Khadka4, and National Geographic and Rolex’s Perpetual Planet Extreme Expedition to Mt. Everest Team 1Appalachian State University2 Loughborough University 3 National Geographic Society 4 Tribhuvan University North Carolina State University 14 August 2019

12 Course Logistics Please read the course syllabus in detail and let me know if you have any questions! Office hours are MWF 8-9 AM – AM, F 2-4 PM, or by appointment Textbook is Geosystems (10th Edition) and is available at the bookstore. Course materials are available on AsUlearn Readings are expected to be completed before coming to class! THIS IS NOT AN EASY CLASS! BE PREPARED TO WORK HARD AND TO BE CHALLENGED!

13 Statement of Student Engagement with Courses
In its mission statement, Appalachian State University aims at "providing undergraduate students a rigorous liberal education that emphasizes transferable skills and preparation for professional careers" as well as "maintaining a faculty whose members serve as excellent teachers and scholarly mentors for their students." Such rigor means that the foremost activity of Appalachian students is an intense engagement with their courses. In practical terms, students should expect to spend two to three hours of studying for every hour of class time. Hence, a fifteen-hour academic load might reasonably require between 30 and 45 hours per week of out-of-class work.

14 The Science of Geography
Geography – from geo “Earth” and graphein “to write”  Geography is a method, not a body of knowledge holistic eclectic Geographers use spatial analysis Geographers use Earth systems science

15 Geography Is The science that studies the relationships among
natural systems geographic areas society cultural activities and the interdependence of all of these over space

16 Physical Geography Is The spatial analysis of all the physical elements and processes that make up the environment

17 Figure 1.2

18 Scientific Method Figure FS 1.1.1

19 Earth’s Four Spheres Figure 1.8

20 Earth’s Dimensions Figure 1.9

21 Latitude Figure 1.11

22 Latitudinal Geographic Zones
Figure 1.12

23 Longitude Figure 1.13

24 Great Circles and Small Circles
Figure 1.14

25 Prime Meridian and Standard Time
Figure 1.17

26 Maps, Scales, and Projections
Map – a generalized view of an area, as seen from above and reduced in size Scale – ratio of map units to ground units Projection – process of transforming spherical Earth to flat map

27 Map Projections How to transfer data from a roughly spherical object to a flat sheet of paper has puzzled and challenged cartographers for centuries. Major Dilemma: Equivalence vs. Conformality Equivalent projection – equal area Conformal projection – proper angular relationships Every map projection is a compromise!

28 Map Projections Do you prefer a conformal or equivalent map projection? Why? Which is “more accurate”? Equivalent Conformal

29 Classes of Map Projections
Figure 1.21

30 Passive and Active Remote Sensing
Figure 1.25

31 Remote Sensing RADARSAT-1 GOES-12 Figure 1.26 Figure 1.27

32 GIS Model Figure 1.29

33 Feedback on Today Name one thing you learned today.
What questions do you have?

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