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Partnership is important Worries! What to do? Home/School agreement

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership is important Worries! What to do? Home/School agreement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership is important Worries! What to do? Home/School agreement
Welcome Partnership is important Worries! What to do? Home/School agreement

2 Communication Newsletters – why read them? Texts
Meetings with teachers. Mornings can be a busy time for teachers but we are always available to meet after school. Urgent issues – catch me on the door. Gossip – don’t listen. Come and see us and tell us if you are worried or concerned. Parents evening – Monday 12th November and Monday 19th November

3 Safeguarding DSL – Mrs Mejri and Mrs Tovell SENDCO – Mrs Heaps
SEND register and ‘Pupil Profiles’

4 Timetables Structure is different in the afternoons but still providing a broad and balanced curriculum. Weekly timetable so that you know what is happening. Display at home which provides the older children with an opportunity to organise themselves. PE kit – shirt, shorts, leggings and plimsolls that are labelled in a PE bag. Must be in school at the start of the week as timetables might suddenly change.

5 Curriculum leaflets Please read and support your child at home.
Encourage your child to visit the school library every Tuesday Try to visit the local library too. Talk to your child about their learning. Let them tell you what they have learnt.

6 Attendance Traffic lights system Expectation is 96% Green 96% or above
Amber 90% - 95% Red below 90% (support action plan needed) Holidays during term time - Referral for a fine through county.

7 Punctuality Good punctuality is essential to ensuring that your child gets the most out of their time at school. It is also an important life skill that your child will need as they become young adults and enter the world of work. Please ensure that your child arrives in time for the start of school as doors open at 8.40.  We ask parents to leave at 8:50 so that we can settle the children for the register. Late arrivals are disruptive for the child who is late and also for the other pupils who will have begun lessons. No children should be on the school grounds before 8.35 unless they are in Breakfast Club.

8 Behaviour expectations
Warning system of verbal warning, Yellow card (5 minutes play time missed), Red card (15 minutes playtime missed) Warnings are used for the following: deliberately disrupting lessons, swinging on chairs, making inappropriate noises, continually calling out or talking in a rude manner to other children or staff, absence from a class without permission, constant and inappropriate chatting or unkind behaviour. These warnings also apply and can be given at playtimes and lunchtimes. There are some types of behaviour that are more serious and will be recorded directly onto the 369 Sheet: physical assault or threatening/aggressive behaviour, racism, bullying, non-compliance, swearing, wilful damage/destruction of property or stealing.

9 Homework Spelling – lists go home every week and children are tested on a Friday. Times tables – multiplication test every week and different homework to be sent home according to the individual child and their ability. English – homework linked to spelling lists. Reading – 15 minutes every night is essential. A confident reader is a good writer!

10 Assessment School has an assessment cycle which maps out when and how pupils are assessed every term in every year. EYFS baseline assessments start in September. Phonics test in Year 1 in June. SATS in Year 2 take place in May. SATS in Year 6 take place in May. New Year 4 multiplication test this year.

11 Y6 SAT’s booster Tuesday Reading Thursday Maths
Date for SAT’s parent meeting: Tuesday 2nd October at 3:15.

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